Zimmermann’s resort 2015 collection must be one of the prettiest collections I’ve ever seen! I want absolutely everything, especially all the white pieces. I rarely spend big amounts of money on one piece of clothing, but I think I’ll have to make an exception. I mean, I could get married in that first dress!!
Other than that, I think my exam went fine and I’m ready for a date night. It’s impossible to know how it went before they publish the correct answers, but I know I’m not going to fail at least. It felt so weird having my first big exam of my bachelor’s degree! I was completely cool and calm up until the point when I got the exam on my desk. Then my heart started racing, my body started shaking, and I completely lost my cool, hah. But I think I managed to pull through either way. Now it’s time for dinner and a show with my boyfriend, before packing for Oslo is on the menu. I hope you’ve all had a great day♥
such a stunning collection
I knoow ♥
For noen nydelige kreasjoner! Jeg falt helt pladask for den siste kjolen, så avslappet og fin på samme tid <3
Jeg hadde min første eksamen for dette semesteret på tirsdag. Den er delvis gjennomført på data, og igår fikk jeg vite at de ikke finner den igjen(!) Så da ble jeg rimelig stresset kan du si.. Har heldigvis skrevet den største teorioppgaven for hånd, og notert ned de fleste svarene så jeg slipper å ta den om igjen. Men det gikk nok supert eksamen din, du virket nå godt forberedt. Fingers crossed! :)
Dear Cath, I know this has nothing to do with the content of this post, but I am currently looking for respondents to fill in a survey about blogs for my master thesis and I filled in your small survey last week as well so I hope you can help me out by participating my study and publishing this comment so that other readers can participate as well. I promise that instant Karma point will be added to your account :) Thank you so much! Here is the link to the survey: https://jfe.qualtrics.com/form/SV_5vwK0ro9Ar7Ik3b If you have any questions regarding my research feel free to contact me.
I would like to ask you some questions about creating blog, but I don’t want to be boring, so if you have a little time, I would like to send you an e-mail. If you don’t have time, it’s ok! :) Kisses :*
Wow, seriously buy that dress and save it for your wedding! You must be super relieved to have your exam finished – one down!
I think I might have to :O So freakin gorgeous! Yes, I’m so happy about that :)
Yes, go ahead and send me an email sweetie! I’m SO sorry I haven’t replied to your previous email, I’ve been so crazy busy with my exams. I’ll reply tomorrow, bed time now <3
Ja ikke sant! Jeg MÅ ha den! Neeei så kjedelig :O Herregud, det skulle ikke vært mulig :/ Lykke til med resten av eksamnene <3