Good morning lovelies! I’m on my way to Digg Hair Studio right now, to fix my roots! I want to cut my hair a bit too, so excited! After that I think I’m gonna try lash extensions for the first time.. Have any of you tried it? I’ve almost only heard negative things, but I just have to try it :) Hopefully I’ll be pleasantly surprised. This is yesterday’s outfit, I simply adore the jacket!
Jacket: Here (adlink), Skirt: Asos, Bag: Alexander Wang, Sunnies: Dolce&Gabbana, and I wore these heels with.
Have a great day sweeties <3
Kjempefin jakke :)
Skal du til Nina p
Kjempekul jakke!
Fin jakke :-)
Du har en utrolig bra blogg og jeg liker den veldig godt.m
omggg, jakken din! i die!
I’ve tried it, and I hated it! Everytime I lost one of the fake eyelashes (very often) it pulled 3 of my own out with it. Besides that it looked so fake! And when you’ve lost maybe three fake eyelashes, you look like an idiot. I wouldn’t recommend it ;)
Ps. I love love loove your jakcet! Does it keep you warm?
I have had the extensions now for like two years, and no problems at all. :) it depends on the person who is making them to you, if they put them wrong, they can destroy your lashes, so always remember to go to a place where you know that they do a good job! thats muchos importantos. :) Good luck, you will love them, i promise!!
-Stareye from Finland
Hei! Jeg har vippe-extensions n
Hvis du setter p
Elsker jakken! Lykke til hos fris
hei :) jeg studerer i polen og har tatt vippeextensions her. man f
Kjempe fin jakke! Kos deg hos fris
Kjempe-kul jakke!! Hvilken str har du ?
L.O.V.E the jacket! Jeg har pr
Du ser smashing ut som alltid! :-) lurte p
Hei Cathrine! S
Hadde en litt morsom dr
Nydelig jakke og antrekk!:) H
Fiin jakke :D Hvordan g
Lykke til med vippene!!
Fy s
Takk skj
Tusen takk :D Hvilket syprosjekt? Hihi
Takk s
Tusen hjertelig takk for tips :D Det skal jeg sjekke ut!! Klem
Takk! :) Har str 36 :)
Tusen takk :*
Jaa, hudpleieren sa at Polen var et av de fremste landene innen vippeextensions! S
Oh, hope not!! :S
Tusen takk for tips!! :) Jeg elsket resultatet :D
Hehe n