Yesterday I wasn’t feeling well at all.. I felt really sick actually! It’s sooo hot in NY, and the stores are super chilly. Going in and out of them all day is like begging for a cold. If you add the fact that I’m sleeping with an air conditioner in my face all night, you can imagine all the sneezing, coughing, head aches and red eyes I’m left with. I sent my boyfriend out to buy ‘Clear Eyes’ yesterday, you know the kind that makes your eyes all white, even if they’re super red. Well, he came back with a contact lens cleanser. Which would be great, if I only used contact lenses, and needed them cleaned.. I managed to go out to dinner last night though, this is how I looked;
Dress: H&M, Heels: Here (ad)
Du så bra ut uansett!
Wow amazing I love this dress XO Eve
I wish I looked that good when I’m sick :) You look stunning!
Nydelige deg! hvis jeg bare hadde sett så fresh ut når jeg var syk… masse god bedring snuppa! Stoor klem
U must be under 60 kg now???
I just have yo join in and say you look great for feeling unwell, but thats just you I suppose :)
How do you deal with the see through dress? Iv’e resorted to using stick on nipple shields, ugh…
Get well soon, do hope your boyfriend is spoiling you rotten!
Fin du var :) Uff, air condition-forskjølelse er standard meg, håper du blir frisk snarest ;) Ta vitaminer ;)
You look gorgeous, even if you did feel a bit under the weather :)
Enjoy the rest of the time your bf is there.
Tenkte bare å dele det optikeren min se. Jeg spurte om Clear Eyes og om det var greit å bruke det. Det Clear Eyes gjør er å minske blodårene i øynene. Ettersom blodårene fungerer som øyets egen forsvarsmekanisme er dette ikke så særlig lurt ettersom du da begrenser øynenes egen mulighet til å bekjempe irritasjoner o.l.
Ikke bruk det, du ser SMASHING ut uansett. Og bloggen din er en perfekt blanding av alt en jente kan ønske seg :)
WOW! Kos deg massemasse! Jeg skal fortsette med planleggingen av min egen NY-reise :)
sick? you look stunning!
lignet på Scarlett Johansson på det øverste bildet.
I know, I get cold in the stores that have the AC cranked too much, have to go back outside to warm up, haha. I’ve heard it helps to sleep with the socks on, and then it kinda takes the chill off a bit. Hope you feel much better soon sweetie, hug!