Hi sweeties! Did you have a good Christmas eve last night? It’s my absolute favorite day of the year, and I had such a blast with my family. The food was incredible, lots of quality time with the fam, great gifts and of course I got to wear my favorite wardrobe piece; A traditional Norwegian ‘Bunad’ made by my grandmother.
I love spending time at my parent’s house, especially during Christmas, as there’s so much history in the house. That creates a unique atmosphere during the holidays. Parts of the house is 500 years old – my grandfather bought old houses high up in the mountains in Norway, picked them apart, drove them to Bergen and built them back up again. The room the Christmas tree is in is one of those, and my grandfather, who was an artist, painted the ceiling in beautiful patterns. There’s so much history and traditions in these rooms!
I don’t have a lot of pictures from last night though. Something the priest said in Church really hit me. I’m not religious, but I think so much from the church applies to everyone, no matter what they believe. The priest said something like ‘If you forget how lucky you are to have the family and friends who are surrounding you, your health, the food and everything else – You loose the real joy of Christmas’. So I put away my phone and my camera, and tried to just be in the moment and enjoy my amazing fam.
Soo – did you get any good gifts this year? :) I was so happy with all of mine, like a huge big bright pink suitcase I really wanted. I’m so sick of checking out every single black suitcase to see if it’s mine when I’m traveling, so now it won’t be so hard to spot, hah. Now I’m off for a long walk with my Grandma, have a great day everyone♥
Merry Christmas :) xx
Nydelig bilde! Huset til foreldrene dine høres utrolig spennende ut! Nesten som å bo i et museum? :D Vil tro det var morsomt å utforske alle kriker og kroner som barn xD
Wow, så fin du var! :-)
Tusen takk søte <3
Tusen takk :) Ja det er utrolig spennende! Er jo myye mer enn dette rommet også, og det er så mye historie! Kjempegøy og spesielt. Veldig gøy og litt skummelt, hihi :)
Så fin du var i bunaden din! Fortsatt god jul <3
Takk skjønning <3
Så stilig:-) kunne du vist oss mer av huset til foreldrene dine, eller blir det litt for personlig:)?
Ha en fin romjul:)
Så nydelig du var! Skulle også ønske jeg hadde bunad :-) Det presten sa er veldig sant! Ønsker deg en kjempefin jul videre :) <3
Tusen takk søting <3
Jeg tror egentlig ikke jeg vil det, men vi skal spise i det eldste rommet på nyttårsaften også, så kanskje jeg kan knipse et par bilder til da ihvertfall :) Takk det samme :)
Är det prästen Olle Karlsson du pratar om i texten? det är en släkting till mig :D
Nei, presten i den lokale kirken her :)
Merry Christmas Cathrine that is the true spirit of Christmas!!!I wish you health and joy and many many happy moments with your loved ones!!
Elli from Greece!!
Thank you sweetie, likewise <3
love you