Sneak peek on today’s look in my lovely new winter coat
Hi lovelies :) I’m finally back in my regular blogging routine, after having the entire weekend off. I don’t think that’s ever happened before, it felt so good with a little break. You know I love blogging, but not opening the computer for days or even taking my camera out of my bag felt divine! I hope you weren’t too bored with my prewritten posts :) Today I feel absolutely exhausted after the weekend, it was such a blast!! I feel like I was either drunk or snowboarding the whole weekend, haha. Or even a combination of the two. I’ve gotten some accounting work done and made a heavenly low carb pizza (I used this recipe for the pizza dough), and now I’m doing some much needed home spa. Speaking of, I thought I’d update you on my Obagi treatment tomorrow! The treatment is such a pain in the ass, but I know that a lot of you wanted to hear about it, haha. So be sure to check back in :) I’ll share some iPhone pics from Geilo later, have a great evening sweets♥
I found your blog about two months ago and I just wanted to tell you that i’m obsessed haha :)
It’s my favorite blog so far!
I also have one question, I noticed that you use self tanner, can you recommend one which gives the skin a natural tan without any stripes? I’ve never used self tanners so it would be good if it wouldn’t be too complicated to apply.
Have a great pre-Christmas season :)
Hi sweetie :) Thank you soo much for your nice comment, means a lot :) If you’ve never used self tanners before, I would definitely recommend one that has a tan lotion. Some selftanners just look like bodylotion, but if the gel/lotion is tan, you can avoid stripes better :) I would probably recommend XenTan if it’s your first time, so easy to apply :)
Hei Cathrine!
Kan du være en engel å si hvor kåpen er fra?! Ser ut som en sånn jeg har hatt lyst på lenge.
Hei vakre! :-) Kan tenke meg det er herlig med en frihelg, og det er velfortjent! :-)
Denne obagi kuren, er det den samme som Ulrikke skrev om for en liten tid tilbake? Fortell gjerne alt og mer om den, ble veldig nysjerrig! :-)
Takk søte :) Ja det er samme! :)
Zara :)
Cath, that looks so adorable!
Nice inspiration, as it’s snowing here in Germany too, and I’m pretty much sick of looking like a toddler wearing its snow-suit when I go out :D
Love from Germany,
the pizza dough link doesnt work :(
Elsker den vesken! Gleder meg til å se hele antrekket søte <3
Sure? :S Here it is; . Hope it works now :)
Haha you are cute!! Lots of love back to you<3
For et fantastisk bilde!! Gleder meg til å se resten, ser ut som et nydelig antrekk! :)
I love your Chanel bag, it`s so pretty!
Vil gjerne ha updates på Obagi- er selv i min første uke og det sviiir….og klør og flasser! litt slemt- men godt å vite at jeg kanskje ikke er alene….hehe;) Takk for at du deler! :) Tommel opp! :):)
I know, det er så dritt!! Haha. Hang in there with me :*
I just couldn’t take it and ordered the moustache watch to myself. So pretty!
I need that bag.