Hey! Just scrolled down your blog, and you look so nice in your bikini! How do you fit the workout into your budy schedule? What do you do on a daily basis?:-)
Lots of love
I loooove this dress, but i can’t find it anywere :( i need This dress, when i graduate from School! Can anyone please help me? :-) that would mean a lot <3
bare helt nyydelig! <3
Nydelig! Jeg elsker den vesken, helt perfekt sammen med kjolen :D
Gorgeous photos! Love the white dress!
love the look, the dress is really pretty and adore the scenery
xx ish
Thanks sweetie :)
Thanks sweetie :)
Takk søte :)
Så nydelig du er! Håper du har det fint :)
Ha en superduper helg <3
Hey! Just scrolled down your blog, and you look so nice in your bikini! How do you fit the workout into your budy schedule? What do you do on a daily basis?:-)
Lots of love
I loooove this dress, but i can’t find it anywere :( i need This dress, when i graduate from School! Can anyone please help me? :-) that would mean a lot <3
I found it in London in March if that helps ;/ Good luck!! :)
Thanks sweetie :) I don’t really work out, I’m just a healthy eater :)
Tusen takk søting! Samme til deg <3
Hvilke instillinger er bildene tatt med? De blir alltid så fine!
Hvilke innstillinger er bildene tatt med? De blir alltid så fine!
Jeg bruker alltid manuelle innstillinger, så jeg justerer de etter lyset :) Takk!
Hei :) nyderlig kjole og antrekk! hvor er armbåndet fra?
Takk! De er fra BikBok :)