Hi superstars! When I woke up this morning, my voice had vanished.. So uncool! I hate being sick, and right now I’m running a fever and everything.. One thing I hate more than being sick, is reading about bloggers who are sick.. Okay, being sick is worse, but it’s just so depressing to read about, soo.. Change of subject!! I’m going to London! Yay! I’ve been soo eager to travel somewhere lately! At the family game night yesterday (Kokkelimonke ftw) the result wasn’t just that I lost, but I had negotiated a trip to London with my mom and sisters! I’m so excited to go, and my mom was even wearing her spending pants and is treating on all of us! So many of my friends are sort of spoiled when it comes to travels (I’m not jealous.. Ehm..), and even in their twenties their parents bring them on extravagant vacations. Of course my parents brought me on vacations when I was little, but when I grew older, I had to take matters more into my own hands. I’m actually grateful for that, because it has taught me to be much more cautios of my money and dreams, and how to set a goal and go for it! Like my New York trips, which were financed all on my own. I’m generally not a big fan of parents spoiling their kids, so much better to teach them to work for what they want! Once again I’m rambling, what I’m trying to say is that I’m super excited for London in a few weeks, and so happy that mym mom is paying! More money for my Topshop budget :) I’ll shut up and take my medication now..
du har s
Enjoy your trip sweety !!!
Hope you get better soon!
Have a great time in London though:)
So happy I found your blog! You have an amazing sense of style, not to mention you are absolutely gorgeous!
BLOG: http://instinctofstyle.blogspot.com
YOUTUBE: http://www.youtube.com/InstinctofStyle
TWITTER: http://www.twitter.com/InstinctofStyle
Tusen takk skal sjekke ut asap :D
Hei hei Cath!
Kom akkurat hjem fra London selv,
Haha, you’re quite funny..Good trip to London!
Tusen takk for tips :D Klem
Jeg har ogs
hey,i follow a lot of blogs but yours is like on my top 3,and i also read every single post,its nice that you share a lot of random things and your personal experiences.keep on!! :)
Jeg er enig- ungdommer b
Huff og huff, du f
Ooh I envy you! I wanna go to London too haha :D Have a nice trip there! And hope you get better soon <3
Reiser til London 24.oktober jeg :D
Ah, heldiggris :D Jeg elsker London! Vil ogs
Har et lite
Hvis du er glad i tapas, m
Tusen takk for tips :D Elsker tapas :D
Heldig med Londontur :)
Hvor jobber du? Eller kanskje du studerer? Hva driver du egentlig med s
Du er rett og slett herlig!
I’ve been following your blog for as long as I can remember and love that you’re finally coming to London! I live and work in London and would looooooove to meet you?! By the way, the Topshop on Oxford Street will BLOW YOUR MIND! It’s huuuuuuge! xxx