Hi my loves! Sorry for the late update, I don’t even know what to do with myself today, everything is just off, especially my brain cells. I’m so tired of shooting outfit pictures in the garden, so I wanted to go see if we could find some really cool place to shoot today’s look. First we drove about 30 minutes to a botanical garden which I know is very pretty, then had to walk another 20 minutes to reach the garden. When we got there I realized that there was no flowers, and was so bummed! Then I realized that it’s almost November, so it’s not exactly flower season. Score! After walking and driving back we headed to one location after another, and I wasn’t happy with any of them. Then after almost three hours I found a good spot, and just when we were about to start shooting, I realized that I had left my camera at home. Long story short; We ended up shooting in the garden after all, haha.
I managed to get up at 6am though, it is hell week after all, but I’ve felt awful all day. The heartburn and headache just won’t let go, so today’s workout was replaced with an hour and a half powerwalking. Not what I had pictured for day two of this intense week, but sometimes you just have to listen to your body. I hope I get to do super tough workouts for the rest of the week though! So anywho, this was just meant as a little sneak peek post, do you recognize the super chic V sweater I’m wearing? It’s from one of the most awesome bloggers I know’s very own clothing line. I’ll post the full outfit later, then I’m heading to a girl’s night with the best girls I know. I hope you’re all enjoying the day♥
krist.in says
Haha, høres akkurat ut som meg! Heldigvis er gaten vi bor i litt interessant, så jeg pleier å variere litt mellom gatene rett i nærheten, men det blir jo mye kulere bilder når jeg somler meg inn til sentrum!
cathrineheienberg says
Åh, da er du heldig!! :)
Randomjenta says
Huff, ikke så greit alltid.. haha. Kjipt å finne ut at man har glemt kameraet etter all that :P Better luck next time! Bildene ble nå nydelige uansett de :)
cathrineheienberg says
Hehe ja, da var ikke mannen så fornøyd altså ;p Måtte jo bare le. Takk :)
by Linda Jensen - Mote og Klesdesign says
Kjempefine bilder!!
cathrineheienberg says
Takk :)
Pia says
Du blir sikkert spurt om dette hele tiden, men tar sjangs på å spørre likevell.
Hvilke er dine favorittbutikker i Bergen? Har du noen geniale tips til hvor en MÅ gå for å handle?
Eller kanskje en skatt på studentbudsjett for en fashion addict?
Beste hilsner!
Paula says
Bilderna är jättefina, trots motgångarna. :)
cathrineheienberg says
Hihi takk :)
Tuti says
That is why I don’t get up at 6 in the morning. I know I will feel terrible all day. Even for a hell week I would have to make it 8 o’clock, even 7 is too early. For me a “hell week” would be going to the gym everyday, watching less tv, reading more :)
cathrineheienberg says
I don’t think getting up early is the reason for my heartburn, I slept way less last week when I was organizing the fashion show. I usually feel great when I get up early, maybe not for the first 30 minutes, but after that it feels awesome :)
cathrineheienberg says
Jeg har akkurat oppdaget vintagebutikkene i Bergen, og må virkelig anbefale Kleskapet og Fretex i gågaten. MASSE fint og budsjettvennlig :) Ellers er egentlig den eneste faste butikken jeg går innom H&M Trend på Galleriet. Vrimmel som ligger i Sundt-bygget har også masse fint, men dyrere :) Klem
Inger Elise says
Du er så utrolig, utrolig vakker Cathrine :) Helt smashing! Alltid! :)
Kan jeg spørre hvilken leppestift du har brukt her, og hva har du krøllet håret med? De var litt mer “krøllete” enn vanlig, hehe :) Veldig fint :)
cathrineheienberg says
Tusen takk søting :) Jeg har bare på en rød lipliner fra The Balm, syns ikke jeg trengte noe leppestift utenpå siden den ga så sterk farge. Jeg har bare krøllet håret med rettetang som alltid :) Klem