Blazer: Here // Top and sunnies: Asos // Skirt: Here // Bag: Louis Vuitton // Hat: Zara // Boots: Here
My usual girly style got a spike of contrast with this masculine tuxedo jacket. I love the fit and leather details! I was wearing a huge scarf as well of course, it’s so cold in Norway nowadays, but it totally wrecked the view of the jacket so it had to go for the pictures. Other than my new tuxedo jacket I don’t really have anything exciting to tell you. I’ve been relaxing at home in my bright pink sweat suit while cleaning a bit, and now it’s pizza time and Sherlock Holmes. Have you seen the modern twist on Sherlock Holmes? It’s fantastic!! The show is just called ‘Sherlock’ I think, if you want to check it out. Have a great night sweets♥
You look great! Elementary is the New York version of Sherlock. I like Elementary better ;)
Love it!!!!! :) <3
Har lagt min elsk på det skjørtet! :)
Love the blazer x
Love your style, really similar to mine actually ;)
Hei! Kjøper du designerveskene sine i utlandet eller i Norge? Har selv ønske om å kjøpe en i utlandet, men tollen er skummel. Har du noen erfaringer med det? You look great!! :)
The jacket looks awesome, and the skirt is so cute! I always love all your skirts :)
Hvis du liker Sherlock, vil jeg absolutt anbefale deg å sjekke ut den amerikanske versjonen av Sherlock Holmes. Den heter ´Elementary´.
Thanks sweetie :)
Takk for tips :)
Jeg har kjøpt alle i utlandet. Jeg var faktisk ikke klar over tollregelen før jeg så en artikkel om det i høst. Jeg tror at hvis du fjerner lapper og alle bevis på at vesken nettopp er kjøpt, så skal det gå fint? Da kunne du jo like godt hatt den med deg på ferie, ikke kjøpt den der.. Men jeg vet ikke helt hvordan det funker :)
Thank you :)
Thanks :)
Samme her! :)
I’ll check it out :)
The skirt is gorgeus !!!! :) You look fantastic =D
Thank you so much <3