Hi loves! First of all, thank you so much for all the sweet comments on the previos post!! I’m speechless. Thank you <3 I just came home from the shoot, and I'm so exhausted.. Wish I could just go to sleep now, but I have business to take care of! A video to shoot ++.. Can't wait for this day to be over! After the shoot I sat in my car for 30 minutes before getting the energy to drive home, haha. I made the clever decision not to have breakfast before I went, because I wasn't hungry.. Such a stupid thing to do! Suddenly it was 6.30, and I hadn't eaten at all.. Now I'm gonna eat like there's no tomorrow, then do everything on my to do-list. Have a great night, and don't forget the giveaway that's coming up in a few hours :)
Soo much makeup on!!
Dress: H&M, Sweater: NastyGal, Ballerinas: H&M, Bag: Friis&Company
fine du :)
skitsnygg !
Nydelig som alltid!
Der ligna du faktisk på Ulrikke!
Er ikke bra og gå så lenge uten mat, nei. Håper du har hatt en fin dag! <3
Gleder meg til å se bildene =)
du er identisk med scarlett johansson!!! et mega kompliment!! :)
Tuuuusen takk!!
vakre vakre du ! envyenvy <3