Dress: Here
We’ve had such an amazing day! I LOVE JAPAN!! Seriously, we’ve seen such incredible culture, people, costumes, singing, dancing, happy faces and historic sights today, I haven’t even gotten a chance to take it all in yet. What an amazing country! I will show you lots of pictures from our day tomorrow, right now we need to head to bed as we’re getting up really early tomorrow. Falling asleep early shouldn’t be a problem as I feel so wonderfully exhausted from walking around Tokyo all day. Tomorrow we’re going on a little adventure to Kyoto, which is filled with historical sights. I saw a picture of a bamboo forest there and was sold, and there are so many other great things to see. Our plan is to take the train to Kyoto, then the local train to Arashiyama, then rent bicycles and see where the city takes us. I can’t wait! Nighty night superstars♥
Ææh den kjolen var nydelig!! Og jeg er så missunelig på deg, min store drøm er å dra til Tokyo!
If found a blog about dresses, check it out!
Håper du får dratt hit snart, det er så fiint :)
Jeg trykker på linken, men kommer bare direkte inn på Nelly sin hovedside…? Du ser forresten strålende ut om dagen:-)
Åå så rart! Hvis du søker på Closet så finner du den, det er merket :) Tusen takk :) <3
FOR en nydelig kjole! ;-) Får lyst til å dra til Japan etter at du har vært der nå<3