Hi lovebugs :) After too many pain killers, too many hits of nasal spray, an hour long hot shower and countless cups of tea, I’m feeling OK. What’s up with me lately, it seems like I’ve had a constant cold for the last two months! Last night was awful, I was wearing two sets of pajamas, two pairs of wool socks, two duvets and a wool blanket, and I was shivering and freezing like crazy. Today I have a few errands that I just have to do, sick or not, so I’m on my way out. I’m wearing my new lovely bag from Moo, it’s soo pretty!! I can’t stop touching the leather, it’s so soft and just screams high quality.
How pretty is it?! I’m also wearing my gold shoes, these things really spark up any outfit.
The shoes can be found here
The full outfit is coming up later once I come home :) Oh and by the way, I’m also doing lots of research for this summer, I have made some plans for an incredible trip for my boyfriend and I! I reeeaaally hope it will work, if so it will be the most eventful and unforgettable vacation we’ve ever been on. We’re also planning a trip to Barcelona with my sister in June, I can’t wait for some sun and beach time! The thing is that my boyfriend won’t know when his exams are before the end of the month, so no booking yet. So annyoing, I like to have these things planned already. What are your plans for this summer? An exotic travels planned? :)
Åååh, vesken var superfin!! Gleder meg til å høre mer om ferieplanene deres :) På meg blir det nok mye jobbing i sommer, men jeg håper på å få til en tur til varmere strøk i det minste.
Huff, god bedring! Håper du blir bedre snart. Er ikke noe gøy å være syk!
Vesken var forresten skikkelig fin :)
Hehe, du høres akkurat som meg om vinteren på de kaldeste nettene. Pysj, ullsokker, raggsokker, votter, to dyner og teppe. Til slutt måtte jeg investere i en varmeovn :)
Familien min har brukt å leie en leilighet i Spania de to siste åra, men den er fullbooka i år. Tenker enten et feriehus i Spania eller et feriehus på Sicilia. Sistenevnte frister fælt :D
the bag and shoes are really pretty, adore the shoes the most
xx ish
Åå, jeg skal også til Barcelona i juni! Bare en langhelg da, jentetur med mamma. Gleder meg skikkelig! :D
Elsker skoene!!
Elsk på skoene! Har nok ikke lagt noen planer enn at vis vi får byggetilattelsen i boks før sommeren så blir det hus bygging på oss hele sommeren :D Heller bygge drømme huset enn ferie, selv om det frister med syden og strand :) Vis ikke så tror jeg vi tar oss en tur til Italia før noe bygging :)
great bag and shoes :)
Me too :D
Så herlig :)
Så gøy med nytt hus da :)
Uff, det er ikke noe kjekt!! Ah Sicilia høres herlig ut :)
Takk søte :)
Utrooolig fin veske!
Jaa elsker den :)<3
I’m going to New York for a month this summer
and I hope it’s going to be the best summer of my life!:)
can’t wait
xx from Luxembourg
How fun :D
Utrolig kul look, liker detaljene!
Hope you’re feeling better soon! You should listen to your body, it often knows more than you! :) Take care!