Coat: Here // Bag: Here (adlinks)
Jeez, today’s outfit shoot was probably the least successful one in years. I feel so bad for always asking my boyfriend to snap pics of me, so today I asked my mom. I love my mom, but she shouldn’t exactly opt for a career as a blog photographer any time soon to put it nicely. Most of the pics were out of focus, and the ones that were actually focused were mostly of the sky and half my face, haha. She’s adorable! She always wants to help me when I ask though, so after a little training I bet she’ll get it. The light was also sucky, and I sneezed in half the pics, but luckily a few ones turned out blogable. Above you can see the deets, I’m absolutely loving my new trench and bag! It’s actually powder pink, and it’s a bit bigger than my other furry bag, so I can fit both my camera, wallet and phone in it. Perfect! Such a fun and cute little accessory. Now I’m gonna go shopping for a present for my friend Oda who’s celebrating her birthday tomorrow, then a movie night in and cuddling with Bella is on the menu. I took her to the vet earlier, and the poor thing had to get a vaccine shot in her little bum, hah. She feels so sorry for herself after the horrific experience, so a little love is needed. Speaking of Bella, I seriously still get 50-100 new likes a day on this video of her, even though I posted it three months ago. Almost 9.000 likes, crazy! Have a wonderful start to the weekend sweets♥♥
Haha I know how it feels to try to get my mom to take photos for my blog!! But at least these photos look good, you are as beautiful as always!
Have a great weekend xx
Hei! Har et skikkelig teit spm! HVor kjøper du helt svarte strømper som du har på deg her? liker ikke når de er så gjennomsiktige når det er kaldt! :)
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I know that feel. When I ask my mom to take photos for my blog they always turn out very blurry because somehow her glasses irritate her while taking a photo with the DSLR and then the focus is totally out of place :) Moms are funny sometimes,but it’s nice that they make the effort for their girls :)
I must say that I’m obsessed with your puffy bag,it looks so cute and even better with that beautiful coat you’re wearing.
Haha! Yes, it’s sweet that they try at least :) Thank you ♥
As a mother and grandmother (that knows how to take photos) I hate the patronising way you talk about your mothers, – very similar to the way some men talk about women. “They are sooo sweet, but they don’t understand much”
I don’t talk about motherS, I talked about my mother’s ability to take blog pictures. She’s the most amazing woman I know, and has accomplished so much. I’ve written several times on the blog about how proud I am of her and everything she has accomplished. This is just a funny story, not a generalization about all women.