How gorgeous is my new necklace?! Lucky me got it from the talented Benedicthe, who has her own jewelry line called By Benedicthe. She makes the necklaces herself, and she’s so good at what she does! As you might recall I’ve gotten a few necklaces from her earlier, and as much as I liked them, this one is definitely my favorite. I like to keep it a bit open on top, so this one is right up my alley, and I know that I’ll wear it so much. Thank you Benedicthe, you’re awesome!! The full outfit is coming up later♥
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pernille says
Wow, smykkelt er helt sykt fint!
pernille says
Jeg vet ikke om det er min laptop det er et problem med, men linken i innlegget fører meg til skoene fra forrige innlegg, og ikke til smykket. Ville bare si fra!
cathrineheienberg says
Åå? Så rart, skal se på det med en gang :) Takk for at du sa ifra :)
cathrineheienberg says
Takk, elsker det :D Flinke Benedicthe! says
Såå fint !
mona says
I love that statement necklace!! :) <3
Anja says
Kan jeg spørre hvor antrekket ditt er fra? Du er ei så inspirerende og flott jente! :)
cathrineheienberg says
Se nyeste innlegget :) Tuusen takk <3