Hi lovelies! Omg, it’s almost 8 pm, and I haven’t blogged all day!! I don’t think this has ever happened before, so sorry! Not that you probably even care, haha, but I feel bad!! It’s been a crazy day. I’ve received emails that pissed me off big time, driven for hours and hours around in Bergen, cried because I was so sad, jumped and screamed because I was so happy, eaten way too much junk food, and did I mention I was in a car crash? Haha crazy day!! Now I’m exhausted, but I need to paint the apartment! Just need an hour in my bed first, and blog a little :) Ulrikke and I were supposed to attend the “Hodejegerne” premiere, which we were really excited about, but our schedules simply didn’t allow it.. Oh well :) Right now I look like this..
Puh.. Have a great evening loves! :)
I seriously love your hair straight! get some rest!
Wow, that sounds like a tough day!! :S Really hope you’re okay.
Håber du er ok!
Oh Cathrine, please don’t get behind the wheel when you are upset or really emotional! It’s so dangerous to drive in that state, heck, it’s hard enough to drive safely when one is all calm and collected. If you really need to blow off some steam, just go for a walk or run and like climb a hill or mountain, just being outside, especially up on a high point is relaxing and totally puts everything in perspective. I hate to think of your beautiful eyes all watery crying like that. Here’s a trick maybe to help, calculate how many positive messages you get, and compare it to the bad ones, and I bet you find at least 90 percent good ones!! There is an ancient wise saying like, ‘if you try to please everyone, you will end up pleasing nobody’, you must understand there are always a small percentage of terrible, cruel people, but that must not blind us to all of the majority of good people.
warm hug and kiss,
Uff da!! :(:(:( Det blir nok bedre i morgen skal du se! Bak skyene er himmelen alltid blå eller something something…:)
Kjære deg, du må da få lov til å slappe av uten dårlig samvittighet! de fleste som leser bloggen din digger deg og vil akseptere en dag uten blogging :-)
<3 <3
For en dag! :O Håper du har fått en god nattesøvn da søta, sånn at du har nye krefter ;)
Håper det går bra me dej! ikkje tenk på bloggingen, ta det me ro og slapp litt av :)
You are so beautiful, even when you are tired! I love love love you! Witch eyeshadow do you have on on this picture, I love it!
Thank you!!! A gray one from Mac :)
Cathrine I hope you’re OK after your crash, get some rest and some pampering! :)
x D