There’s something so magical about the week between Christmas eve and New Years eve. I seriously have no idea what day it is, and there’s no need to. All of my friends are home for Christmas, and it’s almost like when we were little again. This year we’ve been super lucky and gotten a winter wonderland to enjoy the week in, and Bergen has never shined brighter!
Last night was spent with my bestie Ivan, and it was so incredibly good to see him again. We have such a special bond that I don’t think I’ll ever have with anyone else, he’s a keeper that one! We went for a long walk in the snow, which was simply magical..
Then he finally made me some traditional Vietnamese food! He’s half Vietnamese and a magic worker in the kitchen, and I’ve always wanted to try some of the dishes he makes. This was seriously one of the best meals I’ve ever had, and so easy to make! Or at least it looked easy when Ivan did it, haha. Who wants a recipe?! I know I’ll be making this regularly from now on, YUMS!
My day started super early, at 6am to be exact, to drive Ivan to the train back to Oslo. When I got home it was super tempting to go back to sleep as my boyfriend and I were up watching New Girl for way too long last night, but I cozied up in the couch with the latest episode of Kourtney and Khloe Take The Hamptons, and now I’m ready to start the day for reals. Oh, and I just want to say thank you to everyone who leaves such sweet comments for me. I feel like I don’t say it enough! The truth is that I appreciate every single comment more than you know, and that’s what gives me motivation to blog. Now during the holidays it’s a bit more quiet than usual, which I completely understand, you guys are probably busy enjoying friends and family and yummy food just like the rest of us. But I just wanted to say thank you either way, you guys are the best♥
Beklager, søte :) Det er bare fordi vi er opptatt med andre ting i julen :)
Synes det er så herlig å bare legge bort alt av PC og mobil, selv om jeg av og til må sjekke innom bloggen din ;)
Hvor ser du Kourtney og Khloé take the Hamptons?
yes – recipe please!!! I have already tried some of your recipies and all have turned out so yummy. even my mum is your fan now because of your recipes – she and her friends are in love with your crisp bread by the way ;)
Haha, den julegatepynten på det øverste bildet finnes i julegata i tettstedet jeg bor på :D ønsker gjerne oppskriften på den maten, det ser skikkelig godt ut!!
Så koselig :) Skal prøve å fikse oppskrift :*
That makes me so happy! I’ll definitely try to post the recipe on this deliciousness ♥ -> advanced search -> tv-series så søker jeg på det, og tar den med mest views :) MASSE reklame som popper opp, men funker fint utenom det :)
Ja, heeelt forståelig :) Håper du koser deg masse ♥ Klem
I would love the recipe!
Bergen-savn! Nydelige bilder <3
Jeg vil gjerne ha oppskrift! Har prøvd flere av de du har lagt ut og elsket alle <3
Skal få lagt ut til uken ♥