Guess what lovelies! I just realized that my blog and I are celebrating three years together these days! And holy macarony, what wonderful three years it has been! I’ve learned so much, met so many amazing people, gotten the opportunity to travel, make valuable contacts and had the time of my life!! Last year, for our two year anniversary, I posted a little summary of my experiences with my blog. I thought it was so fun to read through it, so I thought I’d post it again.
♥ This time, two years ago, I was at a crossroads in my life. I was stuck in a job that I hated, but I wanted to live a little before I started studying. I was stuck in a rut, and super bored. So I decided to do what I’d always dreamt of; Exploring New York City on my own. That’s why this blog came to be, and man, what a ride it’s been ever since..
♥ The time in NYC exceeded all my expectations. I learned so much, and the trip really shaped me as a person. Sounds cliché, but I think I found myself in New York City. I explored the city by day, went out at night, met celebrities which was huge for me back then, met Ulrikke who quickly became one of my closest friends.. My blog suddenly got lots of hits, and I went with it and blogged like there was no tomorrow. After around a month of blogging the amazing Norwegian magazine MAG contacted me, and suddenly I was featured in one of my fave magazines.. From having a regular boring job, to living in NY and being featured in magazines.. It’s actually insane what a month can do. If some of you feel stuck in a rut like I did back then, just see how quickly things can change! If you’re just positive, dream big and believe in yourself, anything is possible.
♥ After two months of blogging, I was nominated for having the most inspiring blog at Vixen Blog Awards. I couldn’t believe it, it was so fun to be included, especially for a rookie like me..
♥ I of course had to make a living when I came home from NY, so I continued in the job I hated.. In February, I decided that I’d set a goal for myself; I’d quit my job and try to make 5000kr a month from my blog. I quit, but didn’t make any money, haha. But then, after a few months, I suddenly started making even more money than I did in my old job. Much more money.. Could this be? Could I, the clumsy girl from Bergen who had read blogs for years, suddenly be one of those lucky girls I had read about, who got nail polishes and lip glosses in the mail, plus a big paycheck? I’m still in awe over that, I have to say..
♥ I was contacted by Modette, who wanted me to blog for them. My first official blog collaboration, huge!
♥ Summer of 2011 I went to NYC again, this time to write articles for Modette. Ulrikke came too, we had an amazing summer. There I also met one of my best friends now, my darling Lisa from Florida, who I just visited. I was also in meetings with E! Entertainment regarding a reality show about bloggers living in NYC, but I decided it wasn’t for me..
♥ When I came home, my boyfriend and I moved in to our dream house.
♥ I landed the cover of Streetstyle Magazine and a big interview.. How surreal it was to go to the store and see my face amongst all the magazines on the shelves? Words can’t describe..
♥ I’ve also done lots of different interviews with both newspapers and magazines. My favorite one was when BA interviewed me and my amazing grandmother, it was so cool to be able to show everyone what a fabulous lady my Grandmother was. It’s very nice to have that to look back on, now that she’s no longer with us..
♥ I’ve done some really cool photo shoots, which has been a lot of fun
♥ It hasn’t been all fun and games all the time either.. As a young, blonde and sometimes too nice girl, people might get the impression that they can take advantage of you, fool you, not pay you, etc.. I’ve been so close to having to hire a lawyer, and money that has been owed to me has never arrived.. Big money. I decided to let it go, and looked at it as a learning experience..
♥ I quit Modette, and started blogging for Nettavisen. Best decision I’ve ever made, especially regarding the blog.
♥ I continued blogging, and suddenly I had made all these cool contacts, and collaborated with huge international companies.. Again, surreal, that huge companies actually contact me.. Just a totally regular girl from Bergen.. Supah cool!
♥ I started a little journalist career on the side, writing articles for Nettavisen/Side2, plus a fashion column in the newspaper Bergensavisen
♥ I’ve learned so much during these two years, especially when it comes to running my own little business, doing accounting work etc. Sometimes I feel like I should start studying something before I’m too old, but seriously, what I’m doing now is teaching me so much, I’d take it over a fancy University degree any day. I’m not saying I won’t study, I absolutely intend to, but not quite yet.. I’ve been thinking about doing some classes online though, we’ll see what the fall has in store for me :)
♥ So, what’s the plan now..? First of all, continue blogging, because I love it so so much. I love you so so much for reading my blog, leaving comments, cheering me on.. You’re the best!! As I mentioned, I’ll probably start an online class sometime soon, and I’ll also start a sowing class this fall as long as the schedule doesn’t crash too much with my travels. I’ve always had a dream about having my own clothing collection, and that is seriously going to happen. Like I said, dream big!
So that was last year’s little reminiscing, which almost makes me emotional. It’s been such an amazing ride, and it’s far from over! At this point in my life, I feel like the pieces are more together than ever before. I have a clear plan for the future which I couldn’t say last year, and I’m just so incredibly excited to see what the future holds for me. I also feel like I have much more stability with the people I work with, and all in all I just feel more secure both in myself and the people I collaborate with. I’m so blessed to be able to do what I love, and now being able to pursue my dreams and having a ton of fun while doing it. Thank you guys so much for always being here, always cheering me on and leaving such sweet comments every day. You guys are everything, and I LOVE YOU!!♥
Kathryn says
It’s amazing to see how far you’ve come in only 3 years! Your blog is the only blog I check religiously every day. It’s clear you work very hard on keeping things fresh and appealing for your readers, you deserve every success you’ve had so far and I’m sure your future is filled with many more successes! Well done Cath!
Julia says
Oh Cath!! How time flies :) Happy birthday to you and your blog!
I absolutely love reading your posts every day – you’re so inspiring to me and we have a lot of things in common btw.! ;D
xx, Julia
Ellen Agata says
Congrats on the three years!! I´ve been following your blog for almost a year now and i just love your style, photos and beautiful spirit. I just started bloging this summer after thinking about it for many years. This post is an inspiration.!
With love from Iceland,
Ellen Agata
Henriette says
For en fantastisk historie Carhrine ♥ Såå hyggelig å lese. Tenk så flink du er og så mye du har jobbet og så mye du har våget for å komme dit du er i dag. Jeg fortsetter å heie på deg ♥ Stor klem
cathrineheienberg says
Åh, du er alltid så skjønn!! Tusen takk for fine ord, setter så stor pris på det♥ Stor klem
cathrineheienberg says
Thank you so much for your wonderful comment!♥♥
cathrineheienberg says
Thank you so much sweetie♥
cathrineheienberg says
Thank you soo much for your kind words, I appreciate it so much!!♥♥♥
kirsty says
Thats amazing – youve accomplished so much – well done x
SpeakingPrada says
Happy birthday to you and your blog Cath! :) Let me just say that while I was reading this post I couldn’t help myself but feel happy for you and all the things you achieve.
Even though I don’t know you personally, I feel that you are such a down to earth, kind and sweet girl. I love the fact that even though your blog started to get bigger and bigger with the years, you still are so sweet to your readers and I truly believe that’s one of the main things that distinguish your blog from the others. Plus, I’ve always noticed that in every single post you try your best to reply to your reader’s comments which demonstrates how much you care! And the fact that you take your time to do it, just puts a smile on my face because that’s so kind and it’s not usual at all to see bloggers with famous fashion blogs doing it :) so, I feel like you deserve everything you got, and I truly believe that you’ll be able to achieve your future goals as well, because as it’s said “if you can dream it you can to it”. :) <3
Terese / The Impressionista says
Happy birthday to you and the blog darling! We look forward to many more years following your adventures! I’m so happy I saw this post, cus that reminded me that in less than 1 month my blog turns 3 years too! How time flies..
Anyhow, have a fab day Cath!
Caity @ Moi Contre La Vie says
Congratulations and Happy Anniversary! <3 I adore your blog, so fun to learn all these fun little facts
Silje says
Den som intet våger, intet vinner;) Kjempe inspirerende historie!<3 Skulle ønske jeg var modig nok til å ta et sånt steg, føler jeg er for gammel til å satse, selv om man aldri blir for gammel til det!
Pinja says
Wow, I really loved this post!
Hege A says
Herregud som tia flyr og gøy å se at jeg så og si har fulgt deg helt fra start.
Du er alltid den første bloggen jeg sjekker hver dag – ofte. For eksempel nå når jeg har vært 2 uker i utlandet, så var det din blogg jeg måååtte innom :)
Hvorfor? Fordi du er inspirerende, du varierer i hva du skriver om, du gjør meg glad, du er ærlig, og du tør å være deg selv. Vanskeig å sette ord på det, men håper iallfall du vil fortsette å blogge en stund til :D
Ha en strålende dag:)))
L I N N E A ♡ says
I could only dream of being one of the lucky ones :P I love blogging and have been doing it for years back and forth without any success so I guess thats why I give up on it all the time. I have you as a “blog role model” if that makes sence, Im just so impressed by your blog and it no wonder you are were you are today. :) Anyhow, whats your best blogtips? like, what did you think got your blog so popular? :) (I know, you shouldnt do it for success but it is so much more fun with tons of readers)
Randomjenta says
Det er utrolig hva du har fått gjort disse tre årene! Kjempegøy! Har fulgt deg siden starten, og kommer å fortsette så lenge du holder på. Gratulerer med bloggbursdagen og masse lykke til videre! :D
cathrineheienberg says
Tusen hjertelig takk søte :)
cathrineheienberg says
Thank you for your sweet words Linnea :) I guess my blog took off from the start because I made it when I moved by myself to New York, so that was something new and exciting to read about. I didn’t really do anything to get readers, they just sort of came :)
cathrineheienberg says
For en utrolig fin kommentar!!! Tusen hjertelig takk, jeg setter SÅ stor pris på alle de fine kommentarene du legger igjen her <3 Tusen takk!! Stor klem <3
cathrineheienberg says
I’m glad :)
cathrineheienberg says
Det er man aaaaaldri for gammel for! Husk at livet er kort, ingenting burde hindre deg, ihvertfall ikke alder!! :)
cathrineheienberg says
Thanks sweetie :)
cathrineheienberg says
Thank you so much sweetie :) And congrats on your upcoming blog anniversary :)
cathrineheienberg says
Thanks sweetie!
cathrineheienberg says
Thank you SO much for your wonderful comment, it means so much to me! This really made my day! <3<3<3
Hege A says
Baaaaaare hyggelig! Sier det fordi du virkelig fortjener å høre det! :))
Stor klem tilbake