Hi ladies! I just came home from today’s sewing class, and thought I’d share some pictures :) These are from yesterday though, but the studio looked pretty similar today.. Yesterday we started two bags which we finished this morning, and today we started our skirts. We all make different skirts, we had to buy a pattern that we liked, which I think is great! This way I can actually wear the skirt I make, woho! Okay, so back to the studio. First up; One tired blogger with the mandatory Starbucks in hand..
How cute is it?! I love it! I was a little thrown off today though, after an incident in the bathroom. I was just about to wash my hands, when this middle aged lady came in. First she gave me a tutorial on how to wash my hands, which was really weird, but I just went with it, haha. Then!!!! Then she pulled her pants, aand her undies, down, and just stood there looking at me. I was so shocked, I couldn’t even breathe, haha. I just froze, and after nude posing for me she went in to the stall with the door open, and started doing her business. I still get chills down my spine thinking about it. Almost as gross as when a man threw up 2cm from my shoes yesterday while waiting on the suwbay… But this was so not the point, look at how cute it is!
Self portraits in the mirror is a good solution when you’re too shy to ask people to take pictures of you.. One of the women in the class thought it was fun though, so she’s my new photographer, yay! That’s our teacher Julianne in the background by the way, such a sweet and not to mention patient woman.
I just love this fabric! You can’t see how pretty it really is, but I’ll show you better pictures, promise. Here I’ve surged the edges of the fabric..
..and here’s a peek on the results! I must say I felt pretty proud of myself yesterday. I can’t believe I managed to sew in a zipper, and the result wasn’t awful!!
At my sewing station..
And here’s what I’ve been working on today, a skirt in the making! Can’t wait to show you the finished result on Friday :)
A lot of you have been asking me about the class, so here’s a little info. The class is held at The Sewing Studio New York, and cost $390 for a five day bootcamp. You have to buy your own pattern, tools and fabric though. Each class is three hours long. You can check out their website here for more info :) I’m very happy with the class, the time in class is very well spent, I’ve learned so much already! Very much recommended to others who want to try the same thing :)
Hanne says
Wft?? Eg skjønna godt at du blei satt ut! Omg, det er jo ikkje normalt ein gang :O
Janine says
That story about the woman made my tummy turn, you poor thing! Who was she, do you know? She sounds extremely odd indeed!!
Looking great in the studio and loving hearing about how it is going, the bags you did look great you seem to be learning really fast!
Thea i London! says
Heeerlig Cathrine, dette ser lovende ut! :D
kristin says
åh, det ser jo fantastisk spennende ut !
Nina says
I have been sewing a lot myself lately, making Halloween costumes for myself and my hubby, but you’re giving me inspiration to actually start making things I can use outside of costume parties as well! I’ve wanted to make myself a makeup bag for a while now, and I would love to buy some patterns to make skirts or other pieces like that, so I think I’ll just have to go for it:)
Thea says
Morsom måte å kombinere NY-tur med noe lærerikt på! Hvordan fant du ut at du ville melde deg på sy-kurs?
Kos deg masse i NY, heldiggris =)
Luisa says
Æsj hva f*** :( Haha nei, over til det fine heller. Utrolig koselig lokale da, og du var jo kjempeflink! Gleder meg til å se skjørtet ;)
MaritBE says
Så kult! ;-)
BC says
Haha, litt av en opplevelse.
Håper mange av leserne dine nominerer deg til vixen award! Du er virkelig til inspirasjon, samtidig så jordnær :-)
Thea Margrethe says
WhAAAAT haahahaha herregud, for en merkelig opplevelse. Æsj…. Sjeldent man hører om kvinner som blotter seg. Æsj.
Digger forresten at de har møbler fra IKEA der. Knis.
cathrineheienberg says
Ja veldig gøy :) Jeg har alltid villet ta sykurs, så jeg sjekket rett og slett bare mulighetene i NY, og når jeg fant dette 5-dagers kurset måtte jeg bare slå til :)
cathrineheienberg says
How lovely!! Thank you for sharing that :) Go for it!!
Guro says
Hei Cathrine!:) Virker som du storkoser deg i New York, liker veldig godt å følge med deg til byen og bli inspirert til å dra dit selv snarest mulig! Jeg har kjempelyst til å lære å sy og det hadde jo vært perfekt å gjøre det i kombinasjon med en tur…Jeg sjekket litt rundt på hjemmesiden til The Sewing Studio men kunne bare finne kurs som blir holdt over flere uker.. Så jeg må spørre deg: Hvordan kom du over akkurat dette kurset? 5 dagers intensiv læring hadde vært helt perfekt.. Fortsett med det du gjør, du er en stor inspirasjonskilde!:) /Guro
cathrineheienberg says
Anbefaler kurset på det varmeste!! :) Det heter bootcamp, tror du finner det i sidemenyen :) Klem
Guro says
Fant det!:) Takk!