Good morning sweets♥ So in danger of sounding like the most complaining blogger there is; Oh my God what a night!! I got antibiotics for my sinusitis, and my body is everything but welcoming to these pills. My stomach is twisting and turning like you won’t believe, so painful. Just what I needed to accompany the headaches. Luckily I’m only taking the pills for three days, so I’ll live. As I couldn’t sleep at all last night, I stayed up planning my new project; Creating a home office space. My current office is in the corner of the couch, and it simply doesn’t cut it. It feels wrong, and it’s so easy for my thoughts to shift elsewhere, doze off with Bella in my lap etc. I feel like getting an actual desk will make me so much more efficient. Almost like getting new cute workout clothes are good for workout motivation, a good office space will make me so much more efficient and creative.
We don’t have the biggest house, and it’s almost impossible to decorate because of the long shape and the pool edges on every side of the walls (because this used to be a pool for those of you who didn’t pay attention in class. Oh yes, I live in a pool!). Therefore something has to go in order to make place for the new, and the piece that has to go is the wooden chest of drawers (check out this post if you want to see pictures of our house). I just think it’s such a sad corner, and we don’t get any use out of it. So I’m super excited to make it my new office space!
Here is some delicious home office inspo. Ah, gimme one of these!!
The very last picture is obviously not an office, but I would chop my left arm off to get my hands (or hand if I chopped the arm off) on that couch!! Have you ever seen such perfection? If I’m not mistaken I think it belongs to Diane Von Furstenberg. It’s not just the office corner I want to change, I want to change everything in my house (except from the walk in closet, I love it). I’m so so over this shabby chic style I have going on, I want something much more edgy, modern and personal. I’ve already started with packing away all the white fluffy pillows, and changing them with new ones. We’re talking guns and skulls, haha. I’ll show you once all of them have arrived. I can’t wait to visit vintage stores in London to find cool pieces that will spice up the place a bit as well, there’s nothing like interior shopping while traveling, it’s the best! I actually think it’s more fun than shopping for clothes.
And speaking of renewing, I’m so freakin’ tired of my blog design. I’ve been waiting for changes to be made for almost a year, and still nothing. I guess that’s how it is when you don’t know how to do things yourself, and have to count on others. People forget, ignore, postpone, I don’t know. I think the changes are finally happening soon though, I can’t wait! A fresh new blog, and a fresh new office space. I’m also considering buying a fresh new Mac, a stationary one. My old one is so slow and a bit cracked after I lost it on the ground at the airport a few weeks ago, plus it would look super cute on my new desk, haha. So anywho, I just took today’s antibiotics and unless my stomach acts up today as well, I think I need to head out to different furniture stores to find myself some office furniture. Have a fabulous day everyone♥
Ååh, så masse fin inspo! Du har nok rett i at det vil hjelpe med et skrivebord :) Forresten, hvis du blir dårlig av antibiotikaen så kan det hende du ikke tåler den? Jeg tåler ikke apocillin, men i følge legen min er det den vanligste antibiotikaen å gi ut, så jeg må alltid spørre om noe annet.
Prøv å ta antibiotikaen til et måltid, det skal hjelpe på bivirkningene :)
Jeg skjønner godt hva du mener ang interiør. Alt skulle vært så hvitt, og jeg er så glad for at jeg aldri kastet meg på den trenden, selv om jeg hadde veldig lyst. Jeg er all about secondhand og har faktisk en skjenk fra kongeskipet stående i stuen min.;)
Jeg synes det er kult at du bor i et basseng! Kanskje du kan utnytte kantene når du skal lage deg et lite kontor?
They’re all amazing!
Pass på å spise mye ved hvert måltid når du tar antibiotikaen, og drikk Biola.
Dette hjelper, så det ikke blir så sterkt til magen :)
Probiotica(melkesyretabl.) hjelper på vond mage ved pencillin, de skal bare ikke taes sammen med pencillin…Vent 2-3t…
God bedring!
A handbag like the couch ;)
I hope the medicine helps, and that you feel better. It may sound weird, but it’s good to see that not every day of yours is sunshine and butterflies, these posts remind me at least that you’re very human. Get well soon! God bedring!
.. det aller nyeste, som du kan ha på putene, er svarte og hvite mønster, gjerne med rette linjer eller tall. Ser du har noe lignende over her! Nydelige bilder altså! Tusen takk for inspirasjon!
weeee how can you afford all this :O
Aw yeah, last year I had to go on antibiotics too, and dear God how painful it was! For me it was so bad I had to quit taking it after a couple of days, and I was supposed to use them for two weeks, so my pneumonia never really went away, haha it was terrible! You’re lucky you only have to take it a couple of days!
Who says it has to be expensive? I’m an expert on doing these things budget friendly :D
Ja det er så fint :) Bra du likte de :)
Takk for tips, får komme meg på apoteket :)
Takk for tips, både spiste masse og drakk Biola i går, men hjalp ikke, bah! Heldigvis ikke like ille i dag :)
Gjorde det :S
Ja virker ikke som jeg tåler denne så bra :S Men men er bare tre dager, holder ut :)
Så kult!! Vil ha litt mer vintage jeg også :) Hihi ja det er helt ok kult liksom, bare irriterende at vi ikke kan ha noe skap eller skjenker og slike ting inntil veggene. Dødsirriterende!
Oooh I love it, I might have to get it :D Thank you<3
Our office is the one room in the house that I just cant seem to get right! Great inspirations
Så mye fint!
hi! antibiotics kill both the good and the bad germs! this can be painful to the tummy but its different for everybody! yogurt with active germs is the best solution! us scandinavians should have plenty of options in our stores! whenever i take antibiotic, I eat AB milk (maybe just an icelandic thing?) and just about everything milk related!
Your house sounds so interesting! So cool that it used to be the pool. Would love to see more pictures of it! Like the outside, kitchen, and especially the walk in closet!
Check out the category apartment :)
Hej Cathrine,
Jeg ved ikke om du kan forstå det hvis jeg skriver på dansk men jeg prøver :)
Jeg er helt vild med dit tøjstativ i dit walkin/soveværelse og ville gerne have noget lignende. Hvordan bestilte du det? Fortalte du hvordan du ville have det til at se ud og så fandt de den bedste løsning eller?
Har du 3 lange stænger eller flere kortere det er samlet?
Tror du man kan have det hvor det kun sidder i spænd mellem gulv og loft? For ellers sal min stang gå ind over min seng?
Hilsen Stine
Hei Stine :) Vi bestilte de på en byggevarehandel her i Norge som heter Coop Obs Bygg. Leverandøren av stengene heter Langlo, jeg vet ikke om dere har det i Danmark? Vi bestilte ganske lange stenger, så sagde kjæresten min de til så de passet perfekt. Det er 3 stenger totalt ja, to vannrett og en loddrett i midten :) Jeg vet ikke helt om jeg skjønte det siste spørsmålet? Klem