Good morning lovebugs :) Thank you for sweet words yesterday. I of course can’t stay totally away from the blog, I want to share our experiences with you guys! I think yesterday was one of the coolest days of my life!! We started really early, and went to Table Mountain for a hike. Little did we know that the trip up was harder than any mountain we’ve ever climbed combined! It was so steep, and it was just climbing for more than two straight hours. For those of you who live in Bergen, it’s like Stoltzekleiven just a hundred times as long! The view on the top made it worth it though. Then we headed home, showered real quick, and went to Boulders Bay to see the penguins. It was so cool to see them, completely surreal. There’s just something magical about seeing them in their natural habitat, in stead of in the zoo. We were a little bummed because we couldn’t get close to them though, just stand behind the fences. After that we hung out at the beach right next to where the penguins were, and when we were on our way out, a bunch of penguins just came walking towards us! I got amazing pictures and I also filmed them, so funny! We didn’t get to go to Cape Point because it closed early, but on the drive home, a lot of baboons suddenly came out of nowhere and hung out at the road! Our driver was so sweet, and stopped the car so we could look at them and take lots of pictures. Again, surreal to see them where they actually live freely, not in zoos. I must have taken between a thousand and two thousand pictures yesterday, and haven’t had time to look through them all, let alone blog any of them. I think sorting out pictures to blog is a good activity on the plane ride home Saturday night, but here’s a little sneak peek :)
Now we’re headed out to explore the neighborhood and the gorgeous beach, then we’re being picked up to go to Langa, the township. I’m very excited, but I think it will be a surreal and heartbreaking experience. So far I’ve only seen the gigantic mansions and the gorgeous beaches up close, so seeing how millions of people in extreme poverty live just 15 minutes from our hotel.. It will be an experience, for sure. I hope you’re all having a fantastic day :)
Kjenner veldig igjen alt du sier fra en veninne av meg fra USA var der i fjor på utveksling. Morsomt å tenke på at hvis hun hadde dratt nå istedet er det stor sjanse for at hun hadde bodd med Tonje, for hun bodde faktisk med to nordmenn og en svenske, haha! Men det ser hvertfall herlig ut der, skulle ønske jeg hadde besøkt når jeg hadde muligheten og!
Det ser helt fantastisk ut! Så bra at du koser deg :) Og det er så fint at du tar deg tid til å blogge mens du er der også! Leste nettopp 8 nye innlegg her, og jeg må bare si at jeg liker veldig godt at du går mer i jeans i gensere for det kler deg veldigveldig godt :)) Masse inspo å hente, som alltid!
Hvis du vil ha en kjempemorsom matopplevelse, burde dere dra til en etiopisk restaurant som heter Addis In Cape. Den ligger på 41 Church Street, rett ovenfor Greenmarket. Gled dere!! :)
Vil også anbefale en engelsk tapasrestaurant som heter Fork, ligger også rett ovenfor Greenmarket, i Long Street!
Tusen takk for tips!! :)
Aww the penguins look so cute.I can’t wait for you to post the pictures of your safari.
Gigi xoxx
Ser helt fantastisk ut, gleder meg til å se og høre mer!
Fantastiske bilder!!