I finally found the perfect leather jacket! I’ve been on a hunt for the perfect one for years, without luck. I’ve actually bought several, but after trying them on at home I’ve always ended up returning them. I’ve kept my hopes up that I’ll find the one that I just love, and I did!! In New York. At H&M!! I already have one from H&M that I don’t really like, but it’s cheap and has done the trick while hunting for something better. Even though this new one is from H&M, it’s real leather and great quality. Isn’t it cool? I love the details on the arms. Here I felt like a real biker chic, haha, but I can’t wait to match this jacket with cute summer dresses, such a great contrast!
Other than my new jacket obsession, I’m spending the morning in front of the computer prepping my shopping column and accounting work. Also there are some fun things happening right now that I can’t wait to share! It looks like my dreams might come true, which is the most awesome feeling ever. Later I’m off to babysit my best friend Amalie’s little boy so she gets some time to study for her exams. I’m actually nervous, I’ve never babysat before, and I’m afraid that I’ll.. break him or something, haha. I’ve obviously spent lots of time with the little darling ever since he was born, but never a full afternoon alone. I called Amalie in panic last night and I was like “What do I do if he needs to pee?!? And what if he needs to do a number two?!?”. Haha, such a noob. I have some fun plans for us though, so I think it’ll be a piece of cake. Wishing everyone a lovely day♥
kult du fant den perfekte jakka da :) men hadde syns det var kulere om den ikke var ekte skinn :)
it’s perfect!
hvilket kamera og linse bruker du? nyyydelige bilder og nydelige deg!
Tusen takk :) Bruker Canon 5D Mark II og 50mm f 1.4-objektiv :)
Perfect jacket, suits you well (:
A-m-a-z-i-n-g pictures! I’ve got the same lense on a Canon EOS 600D body, and I wonder if you noticed a big difference between the 600D and 5D? Is it worth the money? Thank you in advance! <3
Thank you! Yes I noticed a huge differenece between the two cameras. With the 5D the lense isn’t as zoomed in, and the pictures turn out much clearer :)
Herlig :)
Really nice jacket!!
Elsker den! Kjempefin/kul:)
Jakka er kjempefin! Kjøpte den i forrige uke, og har brukt den flere ganger allerede :)
I ordered this gorgeous jacket as well but I’ m absolutely unsure about the size. Which size did you Take? Small or medium? Or what US-size is your jacket? It suits you so well!!! :)
Sorry for all my question, hope I didn’t annoy you, haha!! :D
And have Fun at babysitting :)
Xx Anni
Jakka var dritkul, sånn vil jeg også haaaaa
Mine is a size 34, so I guess an XS :) Didn’t annoy me at all sweetie :D
I love the jacket ! And the fact that you have started wearing hats :)
Den jakka var virkelig perfekt! Jeg er sikker på at du er en super barnevakt<3 Jeg også er kjemperedd for å gjøre ting feil med unger, tør ikke holde dem engang, hehe.