Dress: Dolce Vita // Hat: Zara // Bag: Chanel
Good morning superstars! This is my last look from Spain, and I miss it like crazy already. It’s of course nice to be home with Christmas right around the corner and all, but having warm weather and light days all year around must be one of my biggest dreams. I finally got to wear my favorite dress again, which must be the definition of my personal style; Girly, light and cute.
So anywho, I have a to-do list longer than.. Uhm, my hair these days that I’m home between travels. On Wednesday morning I’m off again, and so many things needs to get done, like it always is right before Christmas. Last night I decorated the house for the holidays, wrapped every single present and spent hours making homemade gifts for my friends. Today it’s time to catch up on the business side of things, so I’ll probably be at my home office all day. Wishing you all an amazing day♥
need that hat in my life x
You look gorgeous. Iove the dress:)
For en søøøt kjole..Og hatten passet btw superbra til :)
So cute! Definetely something that would work well in my closet as well. Like the hat as well – and the bag (of course).
I’ve been loving this dress ever since the first time you showed it on your blog.
Trying to find a smiliar one, but def impossible. Bummer
What a bummer :/
Thanks :)
Takk :)
Thanks sweetie :)
You’ll find it at Zara :)
L o v e this outfit! <3
Hey…please show your christmas decoration..you always have so nice ideas:D
Så søtt antrekk! Passet veldig godt med den hatten til, og jeg liker godt de fine fargene på neglene dine:)
Den kjolen, den veska og den hatten på DEN dama – nydelig du er! <3
Hi! I cannot agree anymore with the privilege of having summer days everyday of the year. I am from Costa Rica and we live in a never ending summer, as a fact! I am currently suffering in cold Germany. Your blog is really nice. Visit my blog anytime :)
XOXO. Melissa
Thanks sweete!
Så søt du er <3
Takk :)
Will do :)
Hei! Du ser smashing ut som alltid, lurte bare på hvor du kjøpte Chanel-veska og hva navnet er på den?
Hei! Du ser smashing ut som alltid, lurte bare på hvor du kjøpte den Chanel-veska og hva navnet er på den?
Jeg kjøpte den vintage i New York, navnet er Classic Flap Bag :)
Du ser helt nydelig ut :-) Utrolig fint antrekk!