Oh my God you guys. Tonje and I went to a comic club last night, and I’ve never laughed so much in my life! Seriously, it was so hilarious! Of course I was one of the people they talked to throughout the show.. So embarrassing!! The comedian would ask me a question and everyone in the audience would be looking at me, waiting for me to say something hilarious! I was so put on the spot!! I was asked if we had many jews in Norway, and I totally blacked out.. I think I said very quietly that I didn’t know, all the faces looking at me just freaked me out! The super funny comedian turned it into a joke about me mistaking jews for juice, and he was like “yes we have lots of juice in Norway, we have orange juice, apple juice ++” in a girl voice. Haha. Okay, now that I write it down it sounds super lame, but it was funny! I blushed so badly. Everyone should seriously go there, it’s actually one of the top things of my NY musts list!! Chris Rock, Jerry Seinfeld, Adam Sandler and lots of other comedians were discvered there. You can find it at 2 avenue between 81 and 82 street :)
haha sounds like lots of fun!
Haha, så gøy og flaut!! Legger folk merke til at du er norsk? :-)
Hahha, så morsomt da :p
Hahaha, så gøy! Jeg har så utrolig lyst til å dra på et sånt show en gang :)
Kan du ikke lage et innlegg med sminken du bruker, evt en video? Du har så glødende flott hud!=)
Haha! Hvem hadde ikke blitt satt ut i en sånn situasjon:p Godt han dro en såpass “snill” vits med deg da:)
Og apropos komikere, ELSKER Jerry Seinfeld!
Takk!! Jo det kan jeg :)
Neida han hadde spurt hehe :)
Har selv vært der, morsomt, men pinlig når en blir satt i fokus ja…men uff liker ikke at de vitser basert på grunnlag av hudfarge og religion, noe som alltid ser ut til å skje. Håper han var jøde selv, da er det jo litt annerledes.
Hehe ja, alltid religion og sex og sånn.. Ja han var jøde selv, spurte om jeg ville ta et bilde av han og ta med som suvenir hjem til Norge, haha :)