..can be found at Abercrombie&Fitch. I’ve actually never been able to find jeans that fit perfectly.. Big ass, small waist, not the longest legs.. So difficult to find something that fits!! But yesterday I found the perfect pair at A&F! I’ll show you better pictures in my outfit pictures later..
Speaking of A&F, I hate that store.. Everything from the line outside, to the models inside.. The models act soo cool and above everyone else.. I’m like “get off your high horse, you have the most brain dead occupation ever, you’re just standing there looking stupid“. Well, they make killer jeans, I’ll give them that..
LOVE you cath you are amazing you make me laugh everytime you tell a story about NY u under 100% right! :)
Jeg er så enig! Hver gang jeg er i London på A&F får jeg helt fnatt av å gå rundt der, og jeg kan ikke stoppe opp fordi da tror de jeg stirrer på dem og de tror de er så digge. De tjener bare 6 pund i timen..hehe
Ååh, jeg har AKKURAT samme problem! :p Jeg finner aldri jeans! Har kjøpt meg en Levis Curve ID, og den sitter supert, men er litt trang og hvis jeg går opp en strl, sitter den ikke like bra .. Jeg blir gal!
Eneste stedet jeg kjøper bukser, og hollister da :-) Fantastiske jeans, hamstrer når jeg er i utlandet.
Jeg har mye av de samme problemene med bukser. Langeeeeeee (!) ben, smal-ish midje og stor rumpe… Der har du meg i et nøtteskall. Har ikke vært innom A&F i Ney York, men har de fine bukser er det nok vært et besøk neste gang jeg er i NY.
-Nå som jeg forresten kommenterer her ville jeg bare si at du er en sann mote inspirasjon! Antrekkene dine er feminine (og fantastiske), er ikke rart jeg MÅ gå innom bloggen din flere ganger daglig! Du virker også ærlig, og gir masse av deg selv på bloggen! Keep up the awsome work.
Haha you’re so funny Cath! I can totally understand what you mean about A&F. Although I looove the smell of their store..
Takk for tips, jeg får dra dit og sjekke!
I love the jeans from A&F, but I really cant stand the London store (commonly known as ) Its too crowded, to look around you have to keep in line, the nite club feel makes it way too dark (wanted dark a grey top but came out without greyblue, really couldnt see that well inside) At busy times you often have to que up for 3/4 of an hour or more to pay. The models are too full of themselves, deffo best to ignore them. You look great in your jeans btw :)
Not to mention it feels more like a night club than a store, and the dim light makes it difficult to find stuff (at least in the London store)
Agreed! Jeg hater den butikken, men de har bra jeans!
Og bildene inne i butikken, de er jo NAKNE! Hallo?! Og den høye musikken og den ekle lukten! :P
u always talk so bad about the people that work in the stores
“you have the most brain dead occupation ever, you’re just standing there looking stupid”
I actully do work in a store , so I guess i have the most brain dead occupation ever !! according to you
Oh my God, I was talking about the models who act so above everyone else and don’t even bother to help the customers, they just stand there and look “good”. I’ve been working in a store since I was 15, I wasn’t talking about working in stores!! Just the A&F models..
Hva? Har butikken egne modeller? Eksotisk ; )
Agreed! I’ve been in the 5th ave store once (i guess it was the 5th ave), and i totally hated it. A&F has also been exposed for a lot of criticism, because it was a shop where the employees have to be “beautiful” in order to work there. Sick idea.
Hvilken størrelse bruker du i A&F buksene, og hvordan er størrelsene?:) Reiser til NY snart og gleeeder meg!
Jeg har 27, de er veldig stretchy :) Klem
Ja, veldig stretchy, Aaron likey!
Cath got all catty with the models, haha! You’re right Cathrine, you should be treated better when you stand in line and drop a lot of cash there! Last salesman I had at Best Buy was a prick, I complained slightly that I had to buy separate expensive cables if I’m buying a new printer and he replied ‘how dare they?” like totally sarcastic, haha, what a jerk! I think they get irritable when it’s busy like that.
Well the good news is you got the right jeans Cath, the outfit is soo hot! from the shoes to the sunnies.. and everything in between!!