I’m always on the lookouts for miracle skin products, and even though I know they don’t really exist, I never stop trying to find them. Now I think I’ve found the closest thing though, and it’s not a super expensive luxurious product from the top skincare brands. It’s actually from the health store! The sweet Eirin tipsed about this oil on her blog, which is apparently Miranda Kerr’s favorite product. If it’s good enough for Miranda, it’s most definitely good enough for me! I of course ran to the health store right away and got it. Now I’ve been using it for a week, and I can see such a difference in my skin! For the better, of course.
Normally I wake up with really oily and shiny skin (not the good kind of shiny), but now I wake up to perfectly matte and soft skin. My impurities have gotten better, and my skin just looks so much prettier. It’s called Rosa Canina Fruit Oil, which translates to ‘Nypefrøolje’ in Norwegian. It’s organic and only cost aroun 100kr. I massage the oil all over my face before bed, and use my regular cream for daytime. Even though it’s an oil, it makes my skin less oily, and oh-so soft!
Definitely recommended♥