Since I rarely blog about makeup anymore, I thought I’d at least share when I get a new favorite product. As you know my I’m always wearing lipgloss, and the biggest favorite will forever be Victoria’s Secret’s lipgloss in ‘Taffy Go Lucky’. It is, however, pretty pink, and sometimes that just looks a bit to ‘bimbo‘ on me with my blonde hair and blue eyes and all. Therefore I’ve been on the lookouts for a more natural gloss, for school and just when I don’t want to look that dolled up. ‘Instant Light‘ from Clarins gives you super natural glossy lips, and just a touch of color. The peach one is a bit too light for me, my lips almost disappear into my skin. But the pink one is perfect, and it smells so good! It moisturizes your lips as well, and I’ve become completely addicted to this one. I bought these on the Tax Free while traveling, but I guess you can find them at different beauty stores :) Definitely recommended♥