Hi darlings! I just wanted to let you know that the nomination round for Vixen Blog Awards is now open. I’ve been nominated every year that I’ve been blogging, but never won anything. I definitely don’t expect to win anything this year either, I’ve become quite used to not winning by now, haha. But either way, if you want to nominate me I’d be thrilled :) This year new categories like ‘Instagram of the year’ have been added, in addition to the classic ones like ‘Best fashion blog’, ‘Best inspiration blog’ and ‘Blogger of the year’.
I feel like this have been a good blog year. I’ve had so much fun shooting outfits, documenting my travels, sharing little tips and tricks and everything else that pops up on this blog. It’s all thanks to you guys, so I love you just as much if you nominate me or not. Oh and by the way, if you nominate someone you’re automatically in the running to win a Canon PowerShot G7 X camera.