Good morning girlies! After a relaxing day yesterday I was super ready to spend the morning with my computer and my memory card to look through all the snapshots from Friday. It was a fantastic day, though pretty exhausting. First, let me tell you the tale of how my morning was. I was sleeping like a baby, and the 20 alarms I had on to get me up was silenced in my sleep. So was the 15 missed calls from my boyfriend who tried to wake me up. When I woke up, it wasn’t from my alarm clock or my phone, it was from someone almost smashing in my bedroom window!! My boyfriend, knowing he has a girlfriend who’s not exactly great at getting up in the morning, called my mom and asked her to go over to my house and wake me up. What a HERO! After tons of hard knocking on the window I finally opened my eyes and realized that the taxi was arriving 15 minutes later, and I was still in bed with swollen eyes, drool on my chin and my PJs on. I mean, is there any worse way to start a long day of traveling and shooting? I think not! Luckily I knew that hair and makeup was waiting for me once I arrived, so I was ready in five minutes. Big thanks to my boyfriend, if it wasn’t for him none of what you’ll see pictures of next would’ve happened for me, haha.
The feeling of arriving looking like a mutation of a drowned cat and a zombie, then getting pampered and dolled up by an amazingly talented makeup artist. WIN!
Normally I feel so uncomfortable at photoshoots, and everything starts with the makeup. I’m just so used to doing my makeup the way I feel I end up looking best, and with makeup artists the result is always drastically different. I usually can’t see myself when the makeup is being put on, so when I finally get to look in the mirror when the makeup is done I feel like one of those ladies on the extreme makeover shows, who finally get to look in the mirror after a week of adjustments. This time is actually the first time I’ve LOVED the makeup. Usually I just have to fake it and go ‘oooh la la I love it‘ while I’m thinking ‘fuck, shit, fuck‘ in my head. I ended up with two makeup looks, the first one with natural eyes and a bold red lip, and the second one with a natural lip and a smokin’ hot smokey eye.
The photoshoot was for a new fun project with Specsavers, together with my amazing fellow Specsavers ambassadors Ulrikke and Espen. Poor Kristina was sick in bed, and greatly missed! Here Ulrikke is werkin’ it for the camera..
I was a good student and read the world’s most boring book on the flight over and whenever I had a free moment. This student and working girl combination is really not easy on busy days like this one..
What I LOVED about this shoot was that I got to be myself 100%. I didn’t have to pretend to be a model and look serious or pissed like most photographers want you to look. They wanted my personality to shine through on the pictures, so I got to smile, play with my hair, laugh and just goof around. My favorite picture of the day was one where I was laughing of something someone said, you could just see that the smile was real. I hope they choose that one for the campaign!
Espen is such sweet and funny man! Love him.
The super talented photographer Lars Evanger and Irma. Irma should recieve a gold medal for her ability to give ubelievable amounts of compliments in a short amount of time! I’ll seriously call this girl the next time I’m having a bad day, because she’s just the sweetest and most generous compliment giver ever.
After the shoot I spent some time with Ulrikke lunching and shopping (Nighthawk Diner’s burgers are just too good to be true). Then I headed to my bestie Tonje’s place, it was her birthday and it was so good to spend some time with her! After that I headed out to dinner with a bunch of Tonje’s friends, before I headed back to the airport and waited way too long for my delayed flight. When I got home around midnight I sat down and did a super difficult economy assignment for school before bed. Seriously, what a day! I’m still a bit exhausted, puh.
A peek of my look, I’ll show you the full look tomorrow.
Today’s plan is to do tons of school work, before my family is throwing me a birthday dinner later. Today I really need to charge my batteries, because the coming week will be the most hectic week of the year!
Have a fantastic Sunday lovelies♥♥