Hi girlies! I’ve spent the morning filling up on inspiration online, and not in picture form as usual. Today Youtube has actually been my source. I’ve never really been a Youtube-fan, and I’ve always hated it when someone just has to show me a hilarious video on Youtube. It’s such a pressure to think it’s funny and laugh, and I get majorly uncomfortable, haha. Okay, that’s weird, on to the inspiration part. I found two mini series that I just loved, and I thought I’d share them with you. Fantastic fashionable Sunday entertainment, what’s better than that?
First up is The LOOK from Harper’s Bazar. In these video, the host Laura interviews style icons and celebrities, often in their own house. In most of the videos I think Laura is incredibly annoying and is trying way too hard, haha, but the interviews are great though. They are very relaxed and funny, and so inspiring! Rachel Zoe, Kim Kardashian, Jessica Alba, Manrepeller and Selena Gomez are just some of the gorgeous women interviewed for The LOOK. Here are a few of my favorites, but you can check out the whole bunch of videos here.
The other one, which you just have to see, is Nicole Richie’s new mini series #CandidlyNicole. That girls is amazing!! She is so funny that I actually laugh out loud from every single episode. She clearly doesn’t take herself very seriously, and always have the funniest comments. Plus she looks super chic of course. You need to see these! You can find the whole bunch here.
Do you have any other Youtube tips for me? Please share♥
tamt.blogg.no says
Elsker Lauras videoer, tror nesten vi har sett alle! ha ha :D
Elsker bloggen din, sjekk gjerne ut vår:
Klem :D
Silje says
Herlig, jeg elsker Youtube…flott med tips til nye ting å se på:)
Har til nå brukt Youtube mest til sminketips osv hvor Pixiwoo er favoritten, de burde du virkelig sjekke ut. Andre jeg abonnerer på er Viviannadoesmakeup, Lilypebbles og Patricia Bright:) De to første handler også mest om sminke mens den siste har mer “haul videos” :)
Karina says
Hei! Var nettopp i New York, og fulgte mange av tipsene dine som du la ut på bloggen. Likte spesielt flea market i Brooklyn :) Så tusen takk for gode tips!
(Så at det ikke gikk an å kommentere på de innleggene, så gjorde det her..)
cathrineheienberg says
Heihei. Så flott at du likte de :D Gøy å høre :) Klem
cathrineheienberg says
Tusen takk for tips, skal sjekke ut :) Selv om jeg ikke aner hva haul videos er, hihi :)
Jana says
I really wanted to watch those videos but like you said, Laura is just so freaking annoying! So fake and agrh i just can’t… But thanks for sharing :) xx
kathryn says
Well there goes my Sunday afternoon! Great recommendations Cath!
Ingrid says
Hei:) Veldig glad for at du delte disse videoene ispirerende og morsomme!
Stine says
Hahaha, å herregud, tenk om man blir som venninnen til Nicole etter noen år som singel a, huff…
Må gå inn i meg selv kjenner jeg, lol..
Ha en fin dag! :)
cathrineheienberg says
Haha :) Takk det samme :)
cathrineheienberg says
Så bra at du likte de :)
cathrineheienberg says
Haha I knoow!!
Carine says
Jeg vil anbefale deg å sjekke ut Shaytards, det er ikke akkurat moterelatert, men jeg synes familien er ekstremt inspirerende og genuine! http://www.youtube.com/shaytards også http://www.youtube.com/ctfxc er noe å sjekke ut.
Youtube er avhengighetsskapende.
cathrineheienberg says
Takk for tips :)