Today’s dinner is just eaten, and as I promised to share the result of using the veggie twister with squash; Voila! You can read all about the veggie twister in this post, and I have to say, using it on squash was even easier than using it on cucumber! This little dish was so easy to make. First I spiralized the squash and let the water run off it for a bit, and in the meantime I cooked ground beef and mixed it with a yummy pasta sauce with manchego and arugula flavor. Then I put the squash in a frying pan, and cooked it for a bit with salt. It turned out incredibly yummy, and I can’t recommend this dish enough! The only downside is that the spaghetti strips shrinked to about a tenth of the original size after cooking them, hah. The spaghetti on this picture is from a huge squash, so that kinda sucked. I’ll probably need like six squash for a proper dinner to me and my boyfriend. But I’ll definitely make this again, so yummy!
Now I’m super ready for a night in front of the TV with my man. It’s getting so freezing outside, so my whole house is covered with candles, which is so cozy! I hope you’ve all had a great day♥♥
I have to try it girl, great option for people who has to eat gluten free! Kisses from Czech Republic! Alex
Tale of Miss A
Okay so is this as healthy as it sounds? It must be better for you than pasta. I still need to try the cucumber which actually sounds a bit more appetizing to me since it has more crunch. Thanks for the inspiration!! — V —
Absolutely, it’s super healthy! :)
Go for it, it’s delish :) :)
I love spaghetti
Set kjempegodt ut, skal definitivt prøves! Og så lurte jeg på en ting når det gjelder LCHF-pizzaen din. Lagde den på søndag, og den ble kjempegod :) Men – hvor tynt smører du ut bunnen før du steker? (Om du skjønner hva jeg mener?) Følte jeg nesten smurte den ut for tynt, men da jeg satte den i ovnen este den jo som bare det, og bunnen ble vel 1,5 cm høy innen den kom ut, haha :)
Heihei. Oi, da tror jeg du har tatt for mye bakepulver :O Min eser litt ut, men ikke like mye! Prøv litt mindre bakepulver neste gang, og press gjerne ned bunnen etter den er stekt, og før du tar på fyllet. Bruk et bakepapir og bare press den litt ned. Men bra at du likte den da :D Klem