As you’ve probably noticed my style is very girly, but lately I’ve become more and more into sportswear. I love the combination of a sporty sweater or tee, paired with for instance tight leather pants. It looks so chic, but at the same time casual and sporty. On the top of my wish list right now is a pair of Nike Air Max. They come in so many cute colors and patterns, and I was on the lookouts for a pair in London, New York and Barcelona, with no luck. I just found this gold pair, and I think they have to be mine! I love how they’re so sporty yet so feminine..
Dress: Here // Brooklyn tee: Here // Sweater: Here // Hilfiger tee: Here // White Nike Air Max: Here // Cap: Here // Happy Plugr headphones: Here // Black and white trainers: Here // Gold Nike Air Max: Here // Sunnies: Here // 75 Tee: Here
What do you guys think of the sportswear trend – yey or ney?
Lill says
Absolute YEEEEEY, BUT I could never imagine you in clothes like that haha
Stine says
For min del er det helt klar NEY!
stylegodis says
Ohh loving this!!
kirsty says
I have a couple of sporty tees and bought some new balance trainers to wear in the day, but im still yet to style them up xxx
Camilla says
Ikke??? Det kan jeg, uten tviiiil. Håper vi får se et slikt antrekk på deg i nermeste fremtid :)
therese kristina says
Yey, så lenge man kombinera det rett :)
Christina says
Ney , ikke helt yey tbh …. :) liker bedre mer feminint !:)
Eve says
I love these kind of tops! xx
CarolineT says
Yey! Men jeg liker sporty topper mer når man mikser det med for eksempel skjørt. Det kan være skinnskjørt eller blonder, alt ettersom hvilke uttrykk man vil ha! Men skinnbukser er også veldig kult syns jeg! Elsker trenden, så får se om jeg får prøvd den iløpet av sommeren :) Søsteren din var forresten helt nydelig på bryllupsdagen!
MaritBE says
Stilig ;-) Ser så behagelig ut!