Hi sweets :) We’ve had such an amazing day. I feel like I’ve seen so much, but Tonje tells me I really haven’t at all. We started the day at a food market, ate so much donut and cinnamon bun that we went into total sugar shock, drove around town to sightsee, then we headed to the wine tasting. Such a cool experience! I’ll share pictures from that tomorrow, but here’s so pictures from the rest of the day :)
We’re so far down south that the weather is pretty similar to Norway, so coats and scarfs are necessary. When the sun shines it gets really hot though, so fingers crossed for some sunshine the rest of the week :)
Finally got to wear my new Acne scarf, love it!
Tonje hasn’t driven their car down here yet, which is pretty scary as they drive on the left side of the road. She gave it a go today, and it went pretty well, phiew!
Avocado heaven! Love me some avocados<3
Pretty colors..
The best piece of food I’ve ever eaten!!
Combined with the donuts it became a little too much though..
A huge candy store, love!!
I found this bag in really solid leather that I couldn’t decide if I should get it or not.. What do you guys think? Perfect for my computer.
Driving around town can’t really be described with words.. Most white people here live in huge villas, with tall fences and a guard dog or two. A few minutes away, millions of black people live in crowded shelters without electricity, hot water, they don’t really have anything. I’ve only seen it from the outside so far, but on Wednesday we’re going on a guided tour in one of the townships, where one of the men who actually lives there takes us around and tells us about what it’s like to live there. Should be very interesting, and probably heartbreaking.. Here’s just one example of the villas the white people live in..
Sooo many cars for each house! The contrasts are enormous.
Now we’re headed out to dinner, and we’re actually gonna eat ostrich! I’m pretty nervous, but we’ve been told we just have to try it, so we’re going a little out of our comfort zone today. Oh and by the way, internet here is crazy expensive, so I prioritize blogging for you guys, but I don’t really have time to answer your comments. If you want, I can just do a Q&A when I come home if you have questions about the trip or anything else :) Have a fab evening <3
Lena says
Looks like you had a great day!
Can I ask, what are you doing in South Africa? ^^
Hanne says
Herlige bilder :) Kos deg :)
Mette says
Grrreat photos!! :)
Silje! says
Kjøp den!!! Ligner veldig på en cambridge satchel (om den ikke er det)! Om du er usikker på om du vil ha den selv så kan vi godt bli bestevenner så kan du bare sende den til meg :D <3
Jeanette says
Ah so amazing pictures!
Ida says
Jeg har også spist struts! Det var kjempegodt, og jeg trodde faktisk det var vanlig roast beef først :p
Thea i London! says
Så spennende Cathrine, fantastiske bilder, gleder meg til å se mer!
marcella says
awesome pics :)
you are so pretty
Kara says
Hope I’m not being a bi*ch, but I feel quite offended by the ”white and black people” stuff. Haha, I feel the world has come to far to people being categorized by their skin tone and I find it a little racist.
cathrineheienberg says
The “White and black people”-stuff isn’t me categorizing, it’s the way it is down here.. I absolutely don’t mean to offend anyone, but I’m only describing my travel, I’m not a racist because of that.
sandra says
Hvor har du kjøpt skjerfet? det var nyyydelig
cathrineheienberg says
Acne :)
Janine says
Lena, I am sure Cath will explain to you when she is back but she is visiting a friend, she mentions it a few blog entries back :-) Looks like they are having a lovely time :-)
Janine says
Kara I hear you but South Africa is really like this, like Cath says, she’s just observing.
I always find it good when people go there and speak about it honestly as it opens more people’s eyes to how it really is. I still can’t get my head around somewhere being like this in this day and age based on skin tone, mind boggling but sadly true.
Janine says
Buy the bag!! It’s gorgeous! :-)
Love the photos of the fruit and the jelly beans shop, such lovely colours.
Simone says
Jelly Beans!!! Tror jeg hadde brukt alle lommepengene mine der :)
Ragnhild :) says
Vet ikke helt om det er den fineste veska jeg har sett. Den ser så “hard” ut, bred skulderreim og slikt. Hehe, føler meg slem når jeg sier det, men… :p
Det er forferdelig urettferdig at noen skal være rike og noen fattige. Fattigdom er menneskeskapt. Vi rike (altså, folk fra vesten og andre rike land) har mer enn nok ressurser å dele med andre, men slik blir det jo liksom ikke. Hollywood-stjerner sitter på en årslønn på f.eks 300 mill. Tenk hvor mange som kunne fått mat, husly og skolegang for de pengene liksom! :o
Anniken says
elsker acneskjerfet ditt! hvor har du kjøpt det? Finner det ingen plass på nett i burgunderrødt!
Marie says
seems like you’re having a good time, always great to meet friends you haven’t seen in a while :)
I wondered why Tonje is in Africa, what is she doing there? :)
Ingrid says
Leste en reportasje i avisen for en stund siden om hvite i Sør Afrika som levde i fattigdom i slummen. De følte seg nedprioritert fordi bedrifter foretrakk svarte. Det overrasket meg veldig. Synes det er veldig fint at du skriver om fattigdom på bloggen din :)
Sara Caroline says
Hvor er det herlige skjerfet fra? :D