Hi girlies :) I had a thousand things to do today, the way it always is when you’ve just come back from a few week’s vacation.. However, I didn’t take into consideration my jet lag, and I wasn’t able to roll out of bed before 3pm. Sort of embarrassing to admit, but to my excuse, it was 9am for me on Florida-time. I’ve heard it takes a week to get used to the new time zone. I was supposed to post my outfit, but I simply didn’t have time before the evening with the fam, so a sneak peek will have to do. Right now we’re all watching the Brann match, eating yummy desserts and tasty delights. Later I’m headed to Amalie’s, but I’ll try to post my outfit before then :)
Laters, lovelies!
L O V E L Y !!!!
Where did u buy that beautiful dress?
Check the outfit post later, it’s not a dress :)
Vakker kjole!