As always my camera came everywhere with me during our trip to France, so here’s a little (huge) photo diary from the amazing days we spent in the French village La Gacilly with Yves Rocher.
The hotel area was simply breathtaking. It was a huge estate, and probably the most relaxing place I’ve ever visited..
Fun fact: 2300 people live in this village, and 2000 of them work at Yves Rocher! Isn’t that crazy?! Not this little guy though, he’s just chilling by the hotel all day..
The spa area of the hotel was so gorgeous. The water was 30 degrees, and the view was just green nature as long as the eye could see..
The trip definitely wouldn’t be the same without these two lovely ladies, Elise and Sara. I had such a great time with them!
We had such amazing food for every meal! My lunch appetizer was some sort of aubergine pie with brie cheese, so yummy!
Sara has amazing style!
On Tuesday we got to visit Mr. Yves Rocher’s childhood home. I thought Yves Rocher was just a brand name, but it turns out he is the founder of the brand. These are the machines he made to make his very first lotion. Another fun fact: The very first lotion he made was a hemorrhoid cream, haha. We got to see pictures of him when he was standing in he exact same room using the machines in 1959, so cool!
We visited both the headquarters and one of the factories. It was so fun to see! There was this long conveyor belt with different products, and alongside the belt there were people sitting in pairs doing different things, like putting on the caps. I thought machines did that!
Outside the headquarters was a gorgeous botanical garden with different plants and flowers Yves Rocher use in their products.
After visiting the headquarters we headed back to the hotel for another yummy four course dinner and lots of wine.. Here we are in the hotel’s herb garden, which they use for the food they serve..
I want to thank the Yves Rocher team so much for having me! It’s been simply unforgettable♥
åååh.. no fekk eg ei absurd lyst til å sykle til frankrike
Så utrolig fint og sjarmerende det så ut der! Og det må være veldig morsomt å få se hvordan produktene faktisk lages:)
Wonderful pictures!! OMG so clear an sharp. What camera and lens did you use? Looks like you had a wonderful time!
Thanks sweetie :) I use Canon 5D with the 50mm f.14 lens :)
Det var det!! :)
Sykle? Go for it :D
Ah, Frankrike har en så herlig atmosfære!
– L
Fantastiske bilder, fikk lyst til Frankrike nå ja.. :)