Good morning lovebugs! Okay, maybe more like good day, but hey, I’m on vacation! And speaking of, I thought I’d show you some snapshots from this little piece of paradise, or at least it’s paradise to me. Coming here always means total relaxation, lots of time with my family and simply enjoying life, which must be the definition of paradise to me. So this is where I spend my days..
Having breakfast here in the mornings is simply the best..
That tiny little island you can see in the distance is actually a really old fortress. We always head out there and walk around, there’s tons of small tunnels there that people probably hid in back in the day..
I love it when it’s a bit cloudy, because I always lay on the dock looking at the clouds, and try to figure out what every cloud resembles.. The sky is seriously one of the prettiest things I know!
My boyfriend jumping in the ocean after a run. I was supposed to join him every day, and thought of this week as a little bootcamp week with at least one run a day. He had agreed to be my personal trainer for the week, then I got here and was like “Hey, I’m on vacation, leave me alone”, haha.
We just realized that we have tons of blackberries in the garden! Perfect for the breakfast I blogged yesterday, win!
I always find beauty in strange things, and I can stare at something and be completely mesmerized for hours just because I think it’s so pretty. One of those things is the reflection of sunlight in the ocean.. It looks like tons of small diamonds!
This week’s reading material.. My lovely friend Celin gave me some of her favorite books as a summer gift, how sweet is she?!
One of the dinners we’ve been spoiled with this week by my mom. I seriously want her to start a food blog, don’t you guys agree?? Speak up, she always read through my comments anyway so maybe a little motivation from you guys gives her the kick in the butt she needs :)
Have a wonderful day everyone, I’m about to start my to-do list for the day, which consists of doing absolutely nothing. Vacation, I love you!!♥
Jeg bor på flekkerøy!! bare et par min fra deg tipper jeg:)) gjennom undervannstunellen hvis du vet hvor det er. er du i vågsbygd? Utrolig nydelig plass!
lett at mora di må lage matblogg! så sinnsykt godt ut!!!
Yes please start a food blog!
She should! Amazing!
Så utrolig fint det ser ut der! Kos deg masse på ferie. Og maten moren din lager ser nyyydelig ut :)
Stort JA til matblogg! Får alltid lyst til å hoppe inn i familiemiddagene deres, moren din virker såå flink! Namnam. Og stort pluss at maten er LCHF, tror en matblogg av henne hadde falt i smak for alle LCHF-spisere. :) Kjør på!!!
Av å se på disse bildene kan jeg si at jeg garantert hadde lest bloggen hennes!:) litt matinspirasjon i hverdagen søkes!
Tenkte jeg skulle skrive at det så nyydelig godt ut, men så kjente jeg at jeg var full av vann i munnen og det sier vel det meste! :D Nam!!
Åå morsomt :) Hytten vår er rett før tunellen :) Hvis du kjører forbi og ser en sort SUV langs veien er det der hytten er :)
Takk for det :) Det er den :D
Hihi :)
Det skal jeg si til henne :D
Ja takk til matblogg! Trenger sårt mer inspo i matveien. :-)
Hihi så hyggelig! Det skal jeg si til henne :)
Pretty pretty pleaaase (with lots of sugar on it) write the recipe for whatever delicious heavenly food you have on those pictures! Looks soo good! :D
I’ll ask my mom if she can do a guest post on my blog with it or something, I don’t even know what was in all that yumminess, just that it tasted amazing! :)
JA!! Jeg vil også hun skal starte mat blogg. Jeg har seriøst enda linken til en en svær tapas middag hun laga for lenge siden som du tok bilder av, bruker den som inspirasjon for det var SÅ mye forskjellig og yummy på det bordet :) More food pics please :)
Denne snakket jeg om:)
Ser UTROLIG godt ut! Og så flink hun er på presentasjon!! Perfekt for en blogg det, ja:)
Åh se der ja, den hadde jeg helt glemt! Vann i munnen :)
WOW! Så utrolig flott, og ikke minst godt det ser ut! :)
Food blog, food blog, food blog, food blog!! Love these pics btw :)) and you look amazing as always <3
Thank you sweetie :)
Det ser jo heeelt fantastisk ut der! Magisk<3 Så søt venninne du har da ;-)
Ahh I this just became one of my favorite posts on your blog. Love all the pictures as little windows into your life! And YES your mom needs to start a food blog haha. xx
Thank you so much for your sweet comment <3
[…] I was inspired by my mom’s ability to make simple dishes look so fancy (like the salad in this post), so I decided to try to make last night’s chicken salad look a little fancy shmancy […]