Coat: Here // Skirt + Top: Asos // Bag: H&M (adlink)
Hi dolls♥ I’m home from a late class in macroeconomics, which actually went pretty well. I even had the balls to say an answer out loud, haha! I usually know the right answer when the professor asks the class, but I don’t have the guts to say it, you know, just in case it’s wrong. It’s so silly, but let’s be honest, screaming out a wrong answer is pretty embarrassing. Especially after an episode in a marketing class a while back, which I haven’t told you about. Hah, this is what happened, in my class with 300 people:
Professor: You there, which color is this piece of paper?
Me: White! (while thinking I was going to rock this little experiment)
Professor: What does the cow drink?
Me: Milk!
Class: *Breaks out in laughter after realizing that that was a completely wrong answer*
Hahaha, seriously, why did he have to pick me? Just my luck. Have any of you heard that before? Somehow after determening that the paper is white, the brain thinks that cows drink milk, I don’t think it’s just me. Or at least I hope.. So anywho, above you can see some crappy pictures of today’s look. The day the sun shines in Bergen again I’m gonna be so happy! It doesn’t even have to be sunny, just please God stop raining!!
Now I’m gonna camp in the couch with my favorite tv-shows before it’s bedtime. I hope you all had a great day♥
Hahaha, har selvfølgelig falt for det samme! Det verste var at jeg hadde hørt om det før, og kjente den igjen, og LIKEVEL sa jeg at kua drakk melk. Det er utrolig flaut, men hjernen min fungere bra på andre områder så velger å late som om det ikke har så mye å si :-)
Hahahah, ååh, så gøy! og flaut…hadde gjemt meg jeg etterpå jeg altså! Liker at du kjøpte den kåpa :D
I love this!
Haha, det kan skje den beste :) Du var utrolig fin på håret på disse bildene!
Thank you so much for this post! Dumb things like that happen to me all the time. When I get too excited about answering things or helping, I often make silly mistakes like that because I’m on a roll. Hahaha.
Hahaha :)
Hahaha, var ikke akkurat høy i hatten. Hihi ja, måtte ha den :D
Thanks ♥
Hahaha det var det faktisk flere som sa etterpå! Så morsomt.
Hihi, godt å høre. Takk :)
love the coat
Thanks :)
That’s such a nice coat, I was actually thinking of ordering when I saw you added in one of your collages :) How is the size by the way?
You look fab as always! Xxx
“let’s be honest, screaming out a wrong answer is pretty embarrassing”…
Let’s be honest, it is embarassing for the human race in general that grown up people walk around thinking like this. And not only thinking, they even say it out load… Why the hell are we this stuck up in the pathetic fear of what other people would think of us!?
I know it’s silly, but unfortunately that’s the way a lot of people feel.
Thanks, I love it! It’s pretty normal :) xx