Cardigan: Zara // Scarf: Here
I can’t believe this is happening, I was just sick a couple of weeks ago!! As I mentioned yesterday I really didn’t feel good, and last night it got a thousand times worse. I was laying awake in bed all night with tears in my eyes, as it felt like there was a million cactuses running around in there. Obviously I felt horrible when I woke up, and I still do. My voice is completely gone, but I’m able to whisper a bit. I always talk on the phone with my girlfriends several times a day, and the conversations today have been hilarious! I’ve whispered, and without thinking about it they’ve all started whispering too. Hah! Too funny. I don’t have a fever or anything though, so I’m crossing my fingers that I’ll be better for this weekend as I’ve invited the girls over for tapas and girl time. This is absolutely not how I pictured my Hell Week to be, but I guess there’s nothing I can do about it. The fluffy scarf in the pictures is keeping my throat warm today by the way, it’s so heavenly! It really makes me wonder why I spent 1200kr on an Acne scarf last year, when I think this one is actually both prettier, and so much softer, and cost just over 100kr. Definitely a new fave! I hope you’re all enjoying the day, I’ll continue on watching Millionaire Matchmaker in the couch under my duvets, surrounded by lots of candles and lots of tea♥
Anja says
Uff, masse god bedring!<3
Det skjerfet så herlig ut :)
Aaron says
hug and kiss,
love you Cath!!
Kristin says
Det høres ut som du har et veldig dårlig immunforsvar? Kanskje du burde tatt noe tilskudd av vitaminer/omega 3 eller noe? Er jo ikke vanlig å være så mye syk. Synes jeg husker fra i vinter at du var mye syk da og. God bedring i allefall :)
Inna says
Absolutly amazing scarf for autumn
Emilie says
Ow!! Your scarf looks amazingly warm and soft! Where did you find it?! Love it!
cathrineheienberg says
Det er mulig. Holdt meg frisk som en fisk fra januar til for et par uker siden da, og satser på at dette er siste forkjølelse for i år!
cathrineheienberg says
Thanks :)
cathrineheienberg says
Takk <3 Det er dødsherlig :)
cathrineheienberg says
Yes I love it :)
cathrineheienberg says
I found it at Asos, there’s a link in the post :)
Hanne Storsve says
God bedring! :)
Jeg må også si som hun over her sa, det virker som at du har ett dårlig immunforsvar,
så kanskje du burde begynt med vitamin-tilskudd, evt dratt til legen :) Høres så kjedlig
ut å være syk hele tiden.
cathrineheienberg says
Nå er jeg absolutt ikke syk hele tiden da, men bør nok være flinkere med tranen :) Takk!
Layla says
Such a lovely look!
I love my cosy jumpers when the weather starts getting colder! :)
Layla x
cathrineheienberg says
Thanks! I know, it’s the best :)
Hilda says
Love your scarf!! I ordered it as well. :) Get well soon! X
Anette says
Det så ut som et veldig behagelig antrekk, elsker sånne cardigans også :) God bedring, håper du blir frisk fort! :)
Camilla Lien says
Uff, god bedring! Håper du blir fort frisk:) hender jo at kroppen reagerer med å bli syk hvis man har hatt en stressende periode/mye å gjøre, slik som du har hatt i det siste! Drikk masse te og bruk tid på å pleie deg selv:) stor klem!
Almeida says
Oh, the scarf looks so cozy together with the lovely sweater!
Thea says
Uff, så kjipt. God bedring, søta! :)
Daniella says
Elsker skjerfet og ikke minst de små gulldetaljene med ringene og det hele. Likte veldig godt hvordan bildet ble tatt! Digger bloggen din <3 Ha en fin fin dag <3
Dara says
Wow…. your scarf and the gold rings … perfect !!
cathrineheienberg says
Thank you sweetie <3
cathrineheienberg says
Tusen takk søte :)
cathrineheienberg says
Tusen takk! Ja, jeg tror det er det det må være. Er ofte sånn at når man først får sjansen til å slappe av etter stressende perioder med lite søvn kommer sykdommen snikende. Bah!! Takk for tips :) Klem
cathrineheienberg says
It’s soo cozy :)
cathrineheienberg says
Takk skjønning :)
cathrineheienberg says
Tusen takk for fin kommentar :) Ha en fin dag du også <3
cathrineheienberg says
Thanks :)
Rachel says
What watch is that you have on!? trying to find one for my 21st and love it
cathrineheienberg says
It’s from Fossil :)