Konnichiwa sunshines! Our first full day in Tokyo was spent in the Shibuya area, which is great for shopping. We started at Shibuya Crossing and walked around for a bit, and visited the mall Shibuya 109 which I’ve read so much about. I didin’t find anything there, it’s clear that Japanese fashion is very far away from my personal style. It was so fun to walk around there though, the Japanese teens dress so creatively and fun, they almost look like fashionable cartoons, haha. The stores were filled with Japanese fashion, and we just had to giggle of some of the clothes there. Apparently tees with English prints are big here, and they just didn’t make any sense. “Get out, fuck down” and “Black is real fuck” are just two of the funny prints we saw, I mean, wtf?? Haha. The clothes were so tiny, in most stores jeans only came in size 34 and the dresses were like tops on me. It was so funny, because those kind of stores were beyond crowded, but when we visited H&M and Zara there wasn’t a single soul there. Not the way I expected it to be.
We were so exhausted from the jetlag and only a few hours of sleep, so I didn’t bring my SRL camera. It’s so heavy! So here are some touristy snapshots from yesterday..
Here you can see the mall, Shibuya 109. Definitely fun to stop by if you’re ever in Tokyo!
My outfit for the day was casual and comfortable. Sweater from BikBok, skirt from Asos, bag from Moo and Converse.
The daily sushi, yum yum!
After shopping in Shibuya, we headed to Shinjuku to visit a vintage store that I’ve been dying to check out. To see what I got, check the blog later! Now we’re headed to Harajuku, which is an area great for shopping, but there are also several historical sights there. I’ll be sure to bring my SLR and share some better pictures with you tonight or tomorrow♥
Er du i Tokyo på ferie, eller i jobbsammenheng!:) Kos deg uansett, Tokyo virker som en spennende by!
På ferie :) Tusen takk, det er det virkelig!! :)
Looks like you’re having an amazing time there!!!
Can I ask you the exact name of your sunglasses? I think I’ve read somewhere in your blog that they’re Prada (?) but they’re so many of them online I’m not sure which one is yours :-) I need them, they’re soooo pretty!!!
Thank you!!!! XOXO
Vakkert, både du og byen:D
Synes i grunn japansk mote er veldig kult, og japansk ungdom er veldig gode på dette med personlig stil:) Selv om de t-skjortene ikke akkurat hørtes ut som noe for meg…haha.
Takk søta. Ja det ser superkult ut på de, det er bare ikke noe jeg går med selv :)
They are from D&G, but they’re three years old so they don’t sell them anymore :/