Sweater dress: Designers Remix // Scarf: Retro // Bag: Zara
I must admit, I’m not rockin’ the most exciting outfits nowadays, as most of my days are spent inside working with school. The key words are comfort and warmth, so this sweater dress is perfect for that! Now Julia is on her way over to our marketing plan headquarters which is my dining room, hah. The exam paper we’re currently working on is writing a marketing plan for the zoo in Kristiansand, which is actually really fun. It’s definitely challenging, and we have no idea what we’re doing half of the time, but we get to be a little creative and I’m crossing my fingers that the result will turn out good.
Tonight there’s a huge winter storm coming to Bergen, which I don’t mind at all. It’s so cozy to sit inside with candles and hot chocolate while the rain is hammering on the windows, plus I have plans to decorate the house for xmas, so it’s gonna be a good day! Have a great one superstars♥♥
Fantastic bag! I like this total grey outfit very much!
Love this outfit!
I love your cosy outfit-posts – I think december is the time of the year, where you only were comy & warm clothes, except for one or two christmas parties :)
Good luck with your marketing paper.
elsker det!
Åh den kjolen så jo bare helt amazing ut! Lykke til med innspurten på markedsføringsledelse! I fjor skrev vi om SIO mat og drikke, superkjedelig! Tipper dyreparken er mye mer moro å skrive om ! – http://krist.in
You’ve chosen the exact right shades of grey, I adore this look!
xx Carian
Å, den genseren så god ut :-)
Hei sweety, I have created one blog! Haha, I’m not proud on it because it doesn’t look as I wanted. It is not so pretty, but for beginning it’s ok. If I see that this is something I really want, I’ll try to make it looks better! :P enjoyThePrettiness.blogspot.com (haha, If you want come, buuut don’t be dissapointed :P) Kisses :***
all grey is is gorgeous
Thanks :)
Hi sweetie! Yay, you finally did it :) I’ll check it out right away ♥
Det er den ♥
Thanks ♥
Takk søte :) Ja, jeg har lest gjennom masse oppgaver fra i fjor om SIO. Dyreparken er ganske annerledes siden den allerede går så utrolig bra! SIO hadde jo masse forbedringspotensiale, så skulle nesten heller skrevet om den :O Men men, er ikke så ille :)
Thank you ♥
Thank you ♥
Thanks sweetie :) ♥
Må man spørge, hvilken læbestift du har på, på disse billeder? :-)
A lipgloss from Chanel :)
Hei! Hvor har du kjøpt kjolen du har på her? :)
Heihei! Den er fra Designers Remix-butikken i København :)