Hi my loves! Are you all enjoying the last day of the year? I’ve spent it in front of the computer, catching up on some work that I’ve put aside over the holidays. My eyes feel square shaped now, and I guess it won’t help that I’m going to the movies with Ivan right now, hah. I’m so excited about it though, I’ve been wanting to see the new Hunger Games movie for so long, and tonight is the night. Has anyone seen it? The movies has become me and Ivan’s regular spot, it’s so fun to go there with him as he always makes the funniest comments and buys me so much candy, yay. After we’ve seen the movie we always drive around for hours listening to music and talking, it’s so cozy!
Other than that, I’m trying to figure out what I should do tomorrow on the big New Years Eve. What are you guys doing? It seems like everyone I know are going out partying, but I actually think I’ll stay home. When I’ve gone out in the past I’ve had such high expectations to the night, and I’ve always ended up a bit disappointed. But more importantly, tomorrow is my parents’ wedding anniversary, and I’ve always liked spending their big day with them. Tomorrow they’re celebrating 31 yeas of marriage, amazing!
Oh, and I’m wearing my new sweater from Zara with both stripes and sequins. I love it! I’m a sucker for stripes, and when you add a dash of sequins on them it can’t get any better! Anyways, I gotta run, have a great night you guys♥
Finnes denne genseren online?:)
Elsket den nye Hunger Games-filmen! Er blitt helt forelska i Peeta, jeg altså :-)
Åh, samme her! Og Liam Hemsworth<3
Det vet jeg ikke, fant den i butikk i Spania :)