With the risk of sounding cheesy, life here in California is nothing but a dream. Here are some snapshots from yesterday afternoon, which was spent in Santa Monica and Venice..
We started out at Santa Monica Pier, where they have an awesome theme park..
We did the roller coaster, which was so much fun! I’m turning into such a daredevil on this trip, hah. Normally I hate roller coasters..
I was wearing a skirt from Dahlia, and my top can be found here (adlink).
Whenever I see swings, I turn into a five years old again.. So much fun!
We walked along the beach, which was so breathtakingly beautiful..
Who do you think tried to pose in the water, and ended up getting a huge wave splashing up inside her skirt and all the way up to her panties? I’ll give you a hint, her name starts with ‘C’ and ends with ‘athrine’.
Pretty Santa Monica..
My love, my all, my everything.. I actually think we’re sneaking up on 9 years together soon, I sort of lost track.
Just around sunset we arrived at Venice Beach, which was totally different from Santa Monica. It felt much more urban, a lot more homeless people who had camped along the beach (they were all super nice), a lot more weed signs and not to mention weed smells.. But I loved both of the places so much!
There were so many fun things to look at in Venice Beach, like this skater park with ridiculously talented skaters..
Such a good idea!
My babe in the Venice Beach sunset..
After we came home we headed to the movies again, hah. I just love going to the movies in the US, and it’s such a nice and relaxing way to end a day full of sightseeing. Today we’re off to explore some more, I can’t wait to get this day started! Have a lovely day you guys♥
krist.in says
åh, det ser helt fantastisk ut ! nyyt det !
Emma says
Love this!
Emma | With A City Dream
Dina says
I love these posts from your trip, they are always so interesting to read!
Ole says
Ser herlig ut :) hvor er solbrillene til kjæresten din fra? Har dere like?
betina says
Så flotte bilder! For en fin tur dere er på altså, utrolig lyst til å gjøre noe lignende en gang :-)
Ary says
Wonderful pictures! I really love the new layout of the blog!!
Have a nice holiday!
Christina i London! says
Åh, det ser helt fantastisk ut! Jeg var i LA for noen år siden og bodde på Venice Beach. Sinnsykt kult sted! Men jeg elsket Santa Monica også. Forresten, hvis du finner restauranten Abbot’s Pizza, så MÅ du spise der! Den ligger på Venice et eller annet sted (husker ikke nøyaktig hvor). Heeelt himmelsk!
cathrineheienberg@gmail.com says
Jaa, elsket Venice Beach! Takk for tips, skal se etter det :)
cathrineheienberg@gmail.com says
Thank you sweetie :)
cathrineheienberg@gmail.com says
Tusen takk :) Det anbefales til tusen!
cathrineheienberg@gmail.com says
De er fra RayBan. Jeg kjøpte faktisk like som han, men solgte de på pop up shop’en. De er unisex :)
cathrineheienberg@gmail.com says
Thank you sweetie!
cathrineheienberg@gmail.com says
Det er det! Tusen takk :)
cathrineheienberg@gmail.com says
Thanks :)
Ida says
Hei linken til den toppen virket ikke, kan du legge den ut her?:)
cathrineheienberg@gmail.com says
Jeg tror den er utsolgt, var bare et par i L igjen :/ Men den er fra Motel, funnet på Nelly :)