Coat: H&M // Dress: BikBok // Bag: Chanel
Hi superstars! Sorry for no blogging yesterday, I have the worst cold ever. Several of my friends that I’ve been hanging out with the last few days have had colds, and I of course caught the bug. So freakin’ annoying! I’m in complete relaxation mode so that I can get better as quickly as possible. From next week I’ll have school three long days a week, and this month I have at least two trips and one big photoshoot, so I really don’t have time for more sneeze attacks that completely wipes me out. Yesterday I started watching The Good Wife in bed, which was fun but I’m hoping for a little more action. Do you guys have any good movie ot tv-series tips to share? ♥
Frida says
Du må se orphan black!!
Natali says
Lovely outfit! Sorry to hear that you’re having cold, hope that you’ll get better soon.
Birgit says
poor you – i hope that you will feel better soon.
when I was sick I started watching Gilmore Girls again – I love that show when I was younger and I became addicted again after just watching 2 episodes ;)
Maria says
Vi har fått helt dilla på Marco Polo hvis du har netflix. Dessuten klarte jeg å kikke gjennom en hel sesong av White Collar mens jeg var syk. New Girl er også litt søt, med Zoey Dechanel. Og hvis du ikke har sett filmen “Remember Sunday” så er det en skikkelig søt film man kan kose seg under dyna med :-)
liz says
you have such gorgeous hair
giveaway on my blog
Girls says
Girls with Lena Duham. It’s an HBO show. It is hilarious! The characters can be really annoying but somehow you want to keep watching it. says
Takk for tips :) says
Thank you sweetie ♥ says
Thank you lovie ♥ says
Det har jeg aldri hørt om, skal sjekke ut! Jeg ELSKER New Girl, og White Collar er også superbra :) Den har jeg ikke sett, den går rett på listen min, takk for tips ♥ says
Thanks ♥ says
I saw the first episode and didn’t really get hooked, but I hear so many great things. Probably about time to give it a second shot :)
Reidun Beate S. Hag says
Håper du føler deg bedre Cathrine! :-) Jeg ser en film akkurat nå på – “The Giver” heter den og er veldig ny. Jeg elsker den :D says
Takk søte! Og takk for tips ♥
Mari says
Hør på podcasten “Serial” – du blir hektet etter 1.episode. Anbefales!
God bedring :) says
Ooh, aldri hørt om, takk for tips :)
girl tv series says
give it a second try, its really raw! ..simply amazing!! ;)