Hi superstars! I just got in from a powerwalk in the wonderful spring weather we have here in Bergen. It’s so mild outside, which makes me beyond happy. I just realized that I have way less time than expected today though, as I suddenly don’t have any car to borrow. I’m so used to having a car at my disposal all the time, either my boyfriends’ or my parents’, so now I’m slightly panicking. Maybe my next big buy should be a car? A Nissan Leaf would be more than welcome. So anyway, I’m off for a big photo shoot, and I’m so excited! It’s been so long since a professional did my hair and makeup, so I’m really excited to see the look, as I’m stuck in the same makeup routine every single day. My camera of course comes with! See you later sweets, enjoy the day♥
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Den vesken er bare så lekker! Det er nok ganske lurt å kjøpe en bil, ja!
love the black and white with the bold red lip!
Thanks :)
Hadde vært deilig ihvertfall :)
Wow! Hittade din bild när jag googlade efter taklampor. Såå fin bild du tagit på Lisbeth Dahl lampan, mkt snyggare än på andra bilder så nu ska jag verkligen önska mig en sådan.
Älskar din inredningsstil btw! kram
Tusen takk søte du :)