Oh, the Sunday glory! I love Sundays. Work out? -Eh, it’s Sunday!!, Get out of bed before 2 o’clock? – Nah, it’s Sunday for Christ sake!! Sunday is the ultimate day for excuses, and I love it. Now I sound like a lazy pig, but guess what, it’s Sunday!! We’re allowed to be lazy pigs :) I just rolled out of bed, totally makeupless, and I’m just hanging out in my PJ’s..
“Yeah right, you’re makeupless, you look like a transvestite!!”, maybe so, but it’s Sunday, so
hehe that’s cute :) — i’m in my PJ’s too.. eating cookies for breakfast – yes, that’s right! cookies! :) I <3 Sundays.
CATH!!! I love your blog so freaking much. Recently found it and I’m in love.
Keep up the good work! You are very inspiring to me <3
Nydeligste bilde jeg har sett av deg p
Sant sant, s
Synes egentlig s
I have the exact same top!! you wear yours as PJ’s?? I LOVE mine!
Hvor er den toppen fra? Blir veldig glad for tilbakemelding !! :-)
Yeaaah!! Sundaaays! :-) Gotta love them…
I LOVE sundays! I just went for a nice walk, and now i think i’ll take a footbath and watch sex and the city all day! It totally is the perfekt day to do whatever you want.
I really love your blog, you’re so inspiring and seems like such a nice person. And THANKS for writing in english! :)
Faen Cath. Jeg startet dagen med rockering, tur og grove scones. Etter innlegget her ble det s
Ohh you are so beautiful and you write so good!!:) <3 Have a nice day too sweetie!
Check my Blog http://alittlebitofshine.blogspot.com/
and on-line store http://shopalittlebitofshine.blogspot.com/ !! :)
Har du serr ikke p
AKkurat s
<3 sundays!
tror jeg skal se Project Runway siden du sier det er s
Vanligvis bruker jeg s
Enig med deg med S
Ikke heeelt s
Du skriver s
You look amazing!! :-) Cute PJ btw… Cows and flowers! :-)
har du ikke p
Haha har masse sminke p
oi, hello eyebrows
PENA! Liker innstillingen :D
For et FANTASTISK bilde av deg! du er sl
Tuusen takk <3
Hello hello :)
Tusen takk <3
Flink!!! :)
Beauty <3 H
Du er s