I finally looked through the pictures I took while Ivan was making me dinner last week, are you guys ready for the recipe? This is without a doubt one of the best meals I’ve ever had. The different flavors and textures made the most heavenly combination, we’re talking major foodgasms. Ivan is half Vietnamese and of course knows how to make this for real (my way of making springrolls is usually buying a frozen pack of them and heating them up), so you absolutely need to try this! The dish is called Goi Cuon in Vietnamese, and translates to ‘fresh springrolls’. I’m sorry for the bad pictures, the light-situation wasn’t exactly picture-friendly.
I’m getting a watery mouth just looking at these pictures! Here is what you need:
⋆ Rice paper
⋆ Rice noodles
⋆ Soy sauce
⋆ Hoisin sauce
⋆ Cucumber
⋆ Sugar peas
⋆ Fried onions
⋆ Spring onion
⋆ Peanuts
⋆ Pulled pork
Start by popping the pulled pork in the oven. Slice up the cucumber and spring onion, and put that, lettuce, fried onion and sugar peas in bowls. The fried onion adds a delicious crunch, so this is a must.
Prepare the noodles and put them in a bowl. Also fill up a bowl with boiling hot water and put on the table for the rice paper.
The peanut sauce: Cut the peanuts into tiny pieces, and add hoisin sauce and a little bit of soy sauce. This makes the yummiest dip for the springrolls, the taste level just goes through the roof. Also prepare a small bowl with just soy sauce for dipping, and use both dips every time you take a bite. YUM! You can also put the peanut sauce inside the springrolls, but we thought it was best as a dipping sauce. If you’re making these for tapas it’s best to have the sauce inside though.
When the pulled pork is done, tear it apart using forks.
Put everything on the table just like when serving tacos, and make the springrolls as you eat. Start by dipping the rice paper in the hot water to make it soft, then just add the veggies, rice noodles and meat, and wrap it all together.
Everything was so easy to prepare, so I definitely think my boyfriend and I will make this regularly from now on. A perfect weekend dinner! It’s also a delicious, fun and different dish for tapas nights which I often have with the girls. Some of the ingredients can be hard to find in regular grocery stores, but most Asian stores have them.
Bon appetit♥
Det så kjempegodt ut! skal absolutt prøves :) http://www.anndreadrivdahl.com
Kjæresten min er fra Vietnam, og jeg også elsker disse! Vi pleier å ha rispapiret på et fat, og så kan gjester dyppe det i varmt vann ved bordet, og selv velge hve de vil ha inni :) Btw, du må spørre Ivan om han kan lære deg å lage Bánh bao og pho :) Førstnevnte er min favoritt <3
Wow, these look amazing!! Definitely need to try these! We were traveling in Vietnam last may and absolutely loved all the fresh spring rolls available!
xoxo Alice Rose
Try adding feta cheese, avocado and mango – amaaazing..
Ja, det var det vi gjorde også, selv om det ikke kom så godt frem i innlegget. Sååå utrolig godt :) Mmm, det må han gjøre neste gang han er hjemme :D <3
Du kommer til å elske det :)
Det så helt nydelig ut! Tusen takk for at du delte oppskriften :)
NAM! Dette må prøves, takk for oppskrift <3
Bare hyggelig ♥
Bare hyggelig ♥
Så deilig! Og så flink du er! Kan jeg spørre hvor fjølen i stein er fra? Den var så lekker!
Du burde prøve å ha mango inni. Såå godt
Takk søte, selv om det er Ivan som skal ha æren for dette :) Det vet jeg dessverre ikke i og med at vi lagde det hos Ivan, men jeg har noen lignende fra Zara Home :)
Oooh det hørtes deilig ut :) Takk for tips!
hvor mye hoisin saus brukte du? :)
hvor mye hoisin og soya saus brukte du? :)
Av soyasausen bruker jeg bare en liten skvett, og har en skål med kun soyasaus ved siden av også. Godt å dippe i begge to :)
En hel flaske, sånn liten :)
Hei- Hvordan lager du pulled pork? eller kjøper du ferdig? :) Ser super godt ut, må prøve!
Jeg kjøper ferdig :)
Hei! Lagde disse igår og det var kjempe godt! Det eneste var at det var sykt vanselig å rulle de, ble deres rispapir veldig seige?
Hei :) Ååå? Jeg vet ikke helt hva du mener med seige. Altså, de er jo ganske klebrige og tynne, men jeg ruller de på 10 sek :O