Arcades are huge in Japan! There’s one at every corner, and every morning right before 10am we could see long queues of people waiting to get in. Inside there’s hundreds of different game machines, and hundreds of Japanese people sitting there super focused playing different things. It was hilarious to be there, business men in suits were absolutely crazy on the dancing machines, and the girlies gathered around the photo booths, which I of course had to check out. So while my boyfriend was super concentrated on some Saga game, I had so much fun with the photo booths. They’re called Purikura, and the photos turn out like this..
Haha, I did them so many times! My eyes were suddenly huge, my skin perfection and my face slimmer. These are going right up on my fridge, such a fun memory to have! Right now I’m actually on my way down to Amalie’s for a girl’s night out. I feel pretty weird after the change of time zones, but when my bestie wants to go out, I pretty much have no choice. I just wanted to pop by before I leave to show you these, they’re so funny! Have a fun Saturday night you guys♥
DaisyLine says
So lovely! :)
Silje says
Haha, så gøy! Ser litt ut som en porselensdukke;D
Heidi says
Så gøy, sykt kule bilder!:p
MaritBE says
Så fine og søte bilder ;-) Artige minner ja ;-)
Ida says
Hei! Skal Tokyo til våren, og lurte på hvordan priser er på mat der? Både om det er dyrt å spise ute, og i butikken generelt? :) says
haha, så kule! Virkelig et gøy minne å ta vare på :)
Emma says
Nice :)
check out my jewellery on
cathrineheienberg says
Så gøy! Det er ganske dyrt, veldig likt som norske priser. En helt vanlig middag på en random restaurant kom gjerne på 6-700kr, og bursdagsmiddagen på en finere restaurant kom på godt over 2000kr! Så det kan være fint å være klar over :)
cathrineheienberg says
Jaa :)
cathrineheienberg says
Hihi veldig gøy :D