I have a new hobby, and I hope you want to take part in it with me! You know how big my passion for pretty inspiration pictures is, right? Well, very spontaneously I made a second Instagram account for all the amazing snapshots I find every day. There are tons of accounts like this already, but I’ve never found one I love. I often find accounts with many pretty shots, but also a lot of random shots, that I just don’t want in my Instagram feed. So I suddenly decided to take matters into my own hands, and I’m so excited about it! I’ll try to update the account three times daily, with a little air between the pics. And of course – only amazing pictures allowed! Follow follow♥
Mathilde says
Gleder meg til å følge med på bildene som kommer! Jeg elsker fine inspirasjonsbilder selv, og kan sitte på pinterest/tumblr i flere timer om gangen :)
Emilie says
Ahaha I have the EXACT same thing (I could never find an account with pictures I all liked 100% so 4 days ago I started my account:p if you’re interested it’s @emilieinstag. will definately follow yours because I already love every single one here!!! xx
Kristine says
Hei. I begynnelsen av desember postet du noen lignende inspirasjonsbilder. Jeg likte spesielt godt det ene med teksten “do what makes you happy”. Kjenner du til nettsider som selger slike posters?
Julie says
Spennede:) Men er det lov å bruke andres bilder slik? Hvordan gjør du det med opphavsrett?:)
Sandra says
amazing! I have two accounts as well, but I post pictures from around the world, it’s great :D But if you want something even better you should make a tumblr
cathrineheienberg says
Så gøy :)
cathrineheienberg says
Hei :) Jeg vet at Society6.com har veldig bra utvalg av slike postere, men akkurat det quotet vet jeg ikke om de har :)
cathrineheienberg says
Jeg er litt usikker. Når jeg vet hvem som eier bildet skriver jeg det, men når jeg finner bilder på Pinterest står det jo aldri :S
cathrineheienberg says
Yeah I’ve been thinking about tumblrs, maybe I’ll make one of those as well :) But I love Instagram though!
cathrineheienberg says
I’ll check it out sweetie :)
Isida says
I put the top third photo on my Instagram account a few days ago as it features on one of my blog spots :-) love all the other photos too!
cathrineheienberg says
I’m glad you like them :)