Hi sweets :) Sorry for the late update, I always try to blog a lot of posts on Sundays as I imagine all of my readers hungover in bed with their laptops as their only companionship. I feel the need to feed you with entertainment, haha. But today I’ve really been prepping for NY, and I’m so ready to get going with the sewing bootcamp! I’ve watched lots of episodes of one of my fave shows ‘Project Runway’ while reading through these books for tips and inspiration. I’ve also spent a few hours on my mom’s sewing machine, and I know pretty well how the machine works and how to do different seams and stuff.. I’m so excited for the bootcamp to get started! It’ll be intense though, we will get homework and go through so many different things during the hours that we’re there.. We’ll get access to a sewing studio across the street and practice as much as we want there, so I’m glad I have a few days to enjoy New York properly before and after bootcamp week.
I’ve also been playing around with my new sketching app on my iPad, Adobe Ideas it’s called. I just need to get one of those iPad pens so that I can sketch pieces in stead of writing greetings..
While I was looking for the fashion designing books I knew I had somewhere, I found the cutest album I made for my boyfriend with so many old pictures! So fun to look back on. Here we were about 17 years old I think..
I seriously need to go through my old computer and get all my old pictures! Anyone wants to see?
Hege A says
Jaaaa ;-) ;-)
Marita says
Yes, I want to see! You are so beautiful<3
Marianne-FraNorge til New York says
Ahhh, jeg gleder meg så til å lese mer om dette!!!! Du kan jo gjerne øve litt ved å sy klær til meg…;-)
Blanca Ibanez says
Hi cath! i am really excited for your trip to NYU hope you have a wonderful new experience with the class and yes it would be super fun to see how you and your fashion has evolved over the years
cathrineheienberg says
Hihi takk for tilbudet :)
cathrineheienberg says
Thank you sweetie :)
Anna says
Var innom en blogg, og fant et innlegg om noen stoffbutikker med masse kult i New York. Tenkte på deg, ettersom du jo skal lære og sy – og skal til NY! Så here you go; http://apair-andaspare.blogspot.no/2012/09/a-quick-guide-to-new-yorks-garment.html
Jeg orket ikke lese innlegget, så må innrømme at jeg bare har sett på bildene og adressene nederst – men satser på at noe av dette kan være av interesse. Forresten en fantastisk blogg, legger ut masse inspirerende DIY! Klem:)
cathrineheienberg says
Tusen takk for tips!! :) Og ikke minst fine ord :) Klem
Thea i lOndon! says
Åh så utrolig spennende det hørtes ut!! Og jaaa, til gamle bilder :D
Sanna says
Er så koselig å se på gamle bilder :D
M says
Jaaa! Er jo så gøy med gamle bilder!:)
Ingrid says
Kunne du legge ut bilder av noen moteillustrasjoner og skisser av klær du har tegnet?
Veldig inspirerende at du bare bestilte turen, hadde vært utrolig gøy. Noe å vurdere senere!
Bettina says
Oooh yes I would LOVE to see more pictures of you when you were younger!! So much fun! Am also excited for your New York adventure. We all know you’re going to rock that class. xxxx
Pernille says
Would love to see some old pictures :) So much fun!!! And good memories, too
ALW says
Yeeees, we want to see!!!! :))
Lydia says
Spennendeee! Du finner slike penner for 5 kroner på eBay forresten ;)
– L
Aneta M. says
I sooo wanna see your old photos, that would be great!
giveaway: secrets-of-wonderland.blogspot.sk
cathrineheienberg says
Takk for tips :*
cathrineheienberg says
Tror ikke det foreløpig, men kanskje det kommer en eller anngen gang :) Klem
Helle says
Jeg e.l.s.k.e.r også project runway! Nå kan du til og med shoppe på mood!! Sier som Tim Gunn – make it work!
cathrineheienberg says
Yay :D