Outfit from Miami
Blouse and skirt: H&M // Heels: Zara // Bag: Chanel // Necklace: Erin Wasson // Bracelet: BCBGMaxAzria
Hi lovers! I’m back in Bergen, and even though I always love the feeling of coming home from vacation, I definitely feel like I could’ve stayed a couple of more weeks in Miami. It was such an amazingly beautiful city, with huge mansions, fancy cars, gorgeous streets, fabulous restaurants.. And of course I got to enjoy the city with one of my favorite girls; Ulrikke. We’ve had such a great time, and it was so nice to finally spend some quality bonding time with her again. We shared so many funny moments which cracks me up just thinking about them, like when two guys tried to pick us up, and Ulrikke replied to their pick-up line (which included a banana) with screaming “We’re full of hemorrhoids!! Stay away!!!”. Haha. Lately she’s been getting such mean comments on her blog, which makes me so sad, because I see what an incredible human being she is, and she doesn’t deserve to be called those stupid names that mean girls behind their computers send her way. I sort of want to make something clear to those girls, if any of them should read this, and that is that you don’t have to try to bring her down, even though it can seem like she has such a lavish lifestyle and lots of people are probably jealous. She has both feet planted very much on the ground. She is such a hilarious, quirky, kind, wise, amazing and beautiful soul, who doesn’t take herself too seriously, and is a firework to be around. I know it’s not my battle to fight, but I just wanted to throw it out there from someone who knows her. She is so down to earth, and I can’t comprehend why some girls find it appropriate to try to hurt her feelings. My biggest wish is that girls can start rooting for each other instead of bringing each other down. Life is so much better if you have the ability to be happy for others, cheer them on, and let them inspire you instead of getting all jealous and bitchy. Positivity breeds positivity, kindness breeds kindness. What comes around goes around! So that’s my little preach of the day – be kind, always!!
Other than that unexpected little preach (I wasn’t even supposed to address it, my fingers just typed what I was thinking, hah), the trip home went super smoothly. I slept through the longest flight, so it seems like I’ve been traveling for four hours, not sixteen. I love it when that happens! Right now I’m heading to my parents’ house where I’m just gonna hang out with my nephew all day. I’ve missed that little guy so much! There’s nothing better than a little auntie and nephew time. I hope you’re all enjoying the weekend♥
Hege A says
Amelia says
I always says: “It’s not important what people says about you, it is important who said.” But indeed, it is not important either who says. Jealousy is “toxic” feeling, and I feel sorry for those who have that kind of feeling in their everyday life. I don’t know nothing about Ulrikke, but from your story she looks like very funny girl, who likes fun and life. Who cares what other thinks?! :)
I wish you a great time with your family. I suppose Bella is the most happy because you came home :)
Karoline says
Nydelige bilder! Du ser helt smashing ut!Flott at du står opp for Ulrikke, for så mye pes som hun har fått, fortjener hun virklig ikkje! Håper du får en fin helg :-)
Marijana says
It’s so nice of you to stand up for your friend. You’re absolutely right – girls should root for each other! Being mean and bitchy is easy, but it takes an effort, a kind heart and an intelligent mind, to be loving and respectful of other people. Keep spreading positivity, I wish you and your friend all the best! Kisses <3
P.S. Your outfit is adorable!
Andrea says
You look gorgeous! I love these heels, they are amazing!!
Also go girl for that shout out of yours. So true!
xo Andrea
Wonderful and Marvelous
Thea says
Det du skrev om Ulrikke syntes jeg var veldig flott! Jeg skjønner virkelig ikke hvordan jenter kan ha samvittighet til å sitte bak en dataskjerm å skrive sånt om andre… Og bare, hvorfor bry seg uansett? Ulrikke er jo superkul! Noen folk altså, de burde virkelig få seg en hobby eller noe.
Uansett, velkommen hjem igjen til kalde Norge! Og god helg <3
cathrineheienberg says
Helt enig!! Tusen takk :) God helg til deg også <3
cathrineheienberg says
Thanks sweetie :) Xo
Alexandra says
Så fint antrekk! Er skjorta ny? Finner den ikke på nettet :/
cathrineheienberg says
I totally agree! Thank you sweetie <3
cathrineheienberg says
Tusen takk for det :) Ha en nydelig helg! Stor klem
cathrineheienberg says
Absolutely! Thank you sweetie. Yes Bella is so stoked, but unfortunately she’s in heat so she’s constantly trying to hump me, haha. But it’s so nice to be with my puppy again :) Happy weekend!
cathrineheienberg says
Takk :) Ja, jeg fant den i London forrige uke :)
Line says
Beautiful words from a beautiful girl! I love that u adress this subject, both regarding this particular case and in general. Insecurity and jealousy often makes us women treat eachother bad and bring eachother down. It’s a destructive and fast-spreading virus. We need to embrace our sisters success. Lots of love to u.
Madeleine says
U are so beautiful! And your body is gorgeous! :) hugs from finland!!
Sandra says
AMEN! I love Ulrikke’s blog, don’t get why people are such idiots. I think it’s a good thing that you guys have eachother :)
Auna says
Love this outfit on you! Your such an inspiration…great style!!!
Auna xx
lena says
such a cute look! especially the zara heels are gorgeous :)
Bell says
Ååh, så fresh med fin brunfarge! Og collgate-glis ;-) velkommen hjem til Noruega :)
sequin says
Elsker den nye harfargen din! Kler deg virkelig :)
Vilde says
Hei :-) Dette får du sikkert spm om heeele tiden (og er sikkert litt lei av det kanskje), men lurte på om du vil anbefale å bo i Tribeca i New York? Eller er det litt dodgy? Vi har også sett på et hotell i Chelsea, og har jo lest at du heller anbefaler det området. Vi blir to førstereisende til New York i juni, og prøver iherdig å ikke gå i midtown-fellen som alle advarer oss mot.
Camilla says
Kjempeflott at du står opp for Ulrikke, det fortjener hun virkelig! Helt utrolig hva folk får seg til å si når de sitter bak en skjerm.. Du har så rett i at vi heller burde heie på hverandre!:)
cathrineheienberg says
Ja, det er virkelig helt utrolig :/ Jaa :)
cathrineheienberg says
Jeg personlig er ikke så glad i Tribeca, men nå har jeg ikke tilbragt så mye tid der så ikke hør på meg for mye. Det var bare litt upersonlig for min smak, men hvor som helst på Manhattan er jo bra. Subwaysystemet er jo helt fantastisk, så uansett hvor man bor kommer man seg lett til steder man vil besøke. Jeg har bodd på hotell i Midtown flere ganger selv, og selv om jeg absolutt foretrekker Greenwhich Village, Chelsea og områdene rundt, var det ikke såå ille i Midtown altså. Da er dere supernærme Central Park, 5th avenue, og selvfølgelig Times Square som er overfylt av turister, men fortsatt gøy å se. Så lenge man ikke blir stuck i Midtown, tar alle frokostene der, sightseeingen der, er det ikke så gale. 5 minutter med subway så er du i Chelsea :)
cathrineheienberg says
Tusen takk :)
cathrineheienberg says
Hihi takk søting :)
cathrineheienberg says
Thanks sweetie :)
cathrineheienberg says
Thank you <3
cathrineheienberg says
cathrineheienberg says
Thank you so much :)
cathrineheienberg says
Absolutely!!! Lots of love right back atcha <3
Emilie says
I laughed at your title haha :) And your outfit is gorgeous, those shoes are really really pretty!!! And you’re so right (and sweet) to stand up for your friend!! I will never get people who leave mean comments, it’s so easy to do that from your computer and it only shows that you’re very jealous! I hope you never get them! xxxx
Vilde says
Så flott! Nå føler vi oss litt mer informerte og ikke helt ferskis-turistas :-) Og takk for forsikring om at Midtown ikke er helt krise! :-)
cathrineheienberg says
Så lenge dere ikke oppholder dere der for mye, og har det som utgangspunkt hver dag, så er det ikke krise i det hele tatt :) Bare sett dere godt inn i Subway-systemet :)
cathrineheienberg says
Thank you for your sweet comment <3
MaritBE says
Nydelige deg, du ser fantastisk ut :-)
cathrineheienberg says