I’m such a perfume junkie, but lately I’ve been running low on these magic drops that can do such a big difference on they way you feel, and the way you are perceived. In stead of buying my usual Gucci-Flora, I decided to try this one from D&G, which smells amazing of flowers and freshness. It was so funny yesterday, because I was complimenting my sister all day on her perfume, she smelled so good and fresh! Little did I know that under the Christmas tree, the exact same perfume was waiting for me. Yay! That was Acqua Di Gioia from Armani, it’s so good!
Speaking of scents, I finally got amazing scented candles from Voluspa which has been on my wishlist for years! These were from Tonje♥
What’s your favorite perfume?
I also love gucci-flora! Chanel change and essentric molecule 01 is also amazing!
I mean Chanel chance of course!
Jeg bruker D&G l´impératrice jeg og :D
Den er såå god :)
Min er faktisk også Gucci – Flora! :D Skal skaffe meg en ny snart, tenkte å prøve noe nytt nå.
Marc Jacobs Daisy Eau so Fresh :)
I have that one too, love it!
Ingenting slår Flora altså :)
Favoritten nå er Bombshell-parfymen fra Victoria’s Secret, men jeg liker også Marc Jacobs Daisy veldig godt :)
Ohh beautiful pictures! I love D&G! I think my favorite is one from Dior .. I also love Kenzo flower and Nina Ricci :)
Åh den er så god!! :)
For noen fine gaver, snille de er:-) min favoritt akkurat nå er fra Victoria’s Secret og heter Bombshell, fantastisk lukt :-)
Jeg har sååå mange parfymer, hehe, føler de aldri blir tomme.. Har flere favoritter jeg, Juicy Couture noir, CLEAN shower fresh osv osv :-)